
EAPRIL offers a blog platform to everyone interested in practice-based research with regular publications by European Practitioner-researchers.

If you wish to contribute to the EAPRIL Blog, have an interesting suggestion for a topic or theme, or would like to suggest a colleague to contribute, please do let us know. All contributions are welcomed!

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EAPRIL Blog Guidelines

Interested to submit a blogpost yourself? Consult our guidelines to maximise your chances of getting published!

EAPRIL Blog Guidelines

EAPRIL Cloud 8 webinar: 'Equality and Diversity: Challenging ideas, new methods, different fields'

Written by Sibel İnci & Anthony Thorpe (Cloud 8 coordinators)

Classroom management learning at the workplace: how to support student teachers?

Written by Tom Adams (Cloud 1 Coordinator / Fontys University, The Netherlands)

The Moment to Say Thank You and Farewell

Written by Essi Ryymin

Best Poster Award Winner - EAPRIL 2023: "What competences do educational leaders need for leading educational innovation with technology?"

Written by Manon van Zanten, Dana Uerz, Mariola Gremmen (iXperium Centre of Expertise Learning with ICT, The Netherlands))

Best Practice-Based Research Award Nominee 3: Empowering Teachers as Agents of Change for Educational Equality

Written by Marijke van Vijfeijken (HAN - University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands)

Best Practice-Based Research Award Nominee 2: 'In search for Significance'

Written by Pauliina Rantavuori (Tampere University - Finland)

Best Practice-Based Research Award Nominee 1 "Early interventions and evidence-based practices in our context: thought about a objection and a fallacy "

Written by Mara Westling Allodi & Eva Siljehag (Stockholm University - Sweden)

Learning for tomorrow: Cloud 6 lecture

Written by Ning Ding (Cloud 6 Coordinator)

Cloud Teacher Education’ Reading Club: the ideal combination of discussion articles and social talk

Written by Bob Koster & Tom Adams (Cloud 1 Coordinators)

Networked Educational Experts Share Ability, Awareness and Appreciation

Written by Written by Dr. Essi Ryymin (EAPRIL Board Member)