
EAPRIL publishes its own conference proceedings and blog. We collaborate with educational journals for Special Issues to offer insights in practitioner research.

All EAPRIL members also enjoy access to Frontline Learning Research, the open access journal of EARLI, our sister association.


EAPRIL offers a blog platform to everyone interested in practice-based research. On a regular basis blogs and vlogs by European Practitioner-researchers are published. Please be invited to share your reflections and/or to read our blog and vlog contributions.

If you wish to contribute to the EAPRIL Blog, have an interesting suggestion for a topic or theme, or would like to suggest a colleague to contribute, please do let us know at All contributions are welcomed!

Check out our blog guidelines here.

Read the EAPRIL Blog


EAPRIL provides its delegates with the opportunity to submit their conference paper that has been presented at the conference, to be included in EAPRIL's Official Conference Proceedings (with ISSN). These proceedings are not peer-reviewed, but offer you an opportunity to share your findings with colleagues in the field of practitioner research.

Special Issues

EAPRIL has a permanent, open call for special issue proposals. If you have an interesting idea for a theme/topic and/or a journal to publish a Special Issue in cooperation with EAPRIL, please contact us!

Submit your idea

Special Issues Archive

EAPRIL published three special issues in previous years together with educational journals Vocations and Learning and UAS Journal. All publications are a collection of papers within the field of practitioner research and bring together research and practice in a specific domain.

Practitioner researchers’ current and future visions of education & learning
UAS Special Issue, June 2018.

Bridging the Imaginary Research and Practice Gap by Responsive Learning
UAS Special Issue of November, 2016.

Improving professional practice and competencies with practice-based research
Vocations and Learning Special Issue of April, 2016.


Frontline Learning Research is an open-access electronic-only journal which publishes articles on issues and trends occurring internationally in research on learning and educational sciences. FLR focuses on articles in the following fields of research: Research on learning and instruction in formal and informal contexts, multidisciplinary research on learning and learning environments, new theoretical and methodological approaches in learning sciences, insights into learning research from disciplines other than educational sciences or psychology (e.g., cognitive neuroscience, computer science, philosophy, sociology).

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Book of Abstracts

Find our most recent book of abstracts below. This compiles all contributions as presented at the EAPRIL conference.

Book of Abstracts 2023