
EAPRIL offers a blog platform to everyone interested in practice-based research with regular publications by European Practitioner-researchers.

If you wish to contribute to the EAPRIL Blog, have an interesting suggestion for a topic or theme, or would like to suggest a colleague to contribute, please do let us know. All contributions are welcomed!

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EAPRIL Blog Guidelines

Interested to submit a blogpost yourself? Consult our guidelines to maximise your chances of getting published!

EAPRIL Blog Guidelines

Best Practice-Based Research Award Nominee 3: Empowering Teachers as Agents of Change for Educational Equality

Written by Marijke van Vijfeijken (HAN - University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands)

Best Practice-Based Research Award Nominee 2: 'In search for Significance'

Written by Pauliina Rantavuori (Tampere University - Finland)

Best Practice-Based Research Award Nominee 1 "Early interventions and evidence-based practices in our context: thought about a objection and a fallacy "

Written by Mara Westling Allodi & Eva Siljehag (Stockholm University - Sweden)

Learning for tomorrow: Cloud 6 lecture

Written by Ning Ding (Cloud 6 Coordinator)

Cloud Teacher Education’ Reading Club: the ideal combination of discussion articles and social talk

Written by Bob Koster & Tom Adams (Cloud 1 Coordinators)

Networked Educational Experts Share Ability, Awareness and Appreciation

Written by Written by Dr. Essi Ryymin (EAPRIL Board Member)

EAPRIL Cloud 8 webinar: 'inclusive education: higher and vocational education'

Written by Dr. Anthony Thorpe & Dr. Sibel Inci

EAPRIL 2022 - Best Poster Award Winner Blog: "Expanding the horizons of studying and working in Education Sciences"

Written by Miguel Correia, MSc and Professor Henrique Vaz, PhD (University of Porto/Center for Research and Intervention in Education)

How to create/become a rebellious and mischievous professional

Written by Hermi Beute

EAPRIL 2022 Best Practice-Based Research Award Nominee: "Learning Task Sharing in Human-Robot Interaction - A Workplace-Based Approach"

Written by Bernd Hader, Sebastian Schlund, Christina Schmidbauer and Setareh Zafari