Conference location

Buitenbeeld 2 PXL Ne XT

EAPRIL 2024 will take place in Belgium! Together with PXL University of applied sciences and arts, the conference will be hosted from November 26 - 28, 2024 in the lovely city of Hasselt!


Hogeschool PXL (PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts) is a university of applied sciences and art located in Belgian Limburg, “the heart of the Euregion”. The university is divided into nine departments, with several campuses spread across the municipalities of Hasselt and Diepenbeek.

PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts is a young, dynamic and vibrant organisation; a centre of expertise for innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.

PXL offers professional bachelor programs, master programs and associate degree programs in the study field of business, education, healthcare, IT, media&tourism, music, social work and technology, and bachelor and master programs in arts.

Our mission @ PXL: PXL University of Applied Sciences professionalises people and organisations, contributing to prosperity and well-being.

Our vision @ PXL: PXL University of Applied Sciences wants to continue to allow its students (junior colleagues) and staff to grow as excellent professionals and, together with its partners, to continue to grow as an excellent professional organisation through a strong interweaving of education, research, services and practice of the arts

PXL Research – “Education innovation”

PXL-Research coordinates the research and scientific services within Hogeschool PXL.

The Expertise Centre PXL “Education Innovation” sets the course for tomorrow's education and is your research partner for innovative designs of educational processes for young and old. PXL Education Innovation focuses on practice-oriented scientific research and services that lead to real innovation in educational practice. Our research focuses on 2 spearheads: inclusive education and authentic learning.


At Hogeschool PXL, you will find everything you need under one roof.

PXL-NeXT, the centre for lifelong learning, meetings and events, located on the campus of Hogeschool PXL.

With a wide range of training rooms, meeting & conference rooms, auditoriums, expo & trade fair spaces, foyers and a digital learning centre, we offer a multifunctional infrastructure that can accommodate all types of business events.

Our PXL NeXT team is committed to maximising customer satisfaction.

PXL-Catering: Healthy and Trendy

Our PXL-Catering, winner of a Gault&Millau award for hospitality and customer engagement in 2023, is also known for its healthy cuisine. With creative concepts that combine quality, surprise and experience, we offer our guests an inspiring and memorable culinary experience.


PXL University College's Pop and Rock Music bachelor program offers a unique musical education, one-of-a-kind in the Benelux. Here, talented artists of all kinds find suitable stages and eager audiences.

Conference address: PXL NEXT building D, Elfde-liniestraat 23a, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium


The network works. Fostering authentic learning and community engagement.

The 18th annual EAPRIL conference will be jointly organised by EAPRIL and PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts and will revolve around the theme ‘The network works. Fostering authentic learning and community engagement.’

PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts is committed to an educational concept rooted in authenticity, innovation, and co-creation, exemplified by the PXL-MiXed learning model. This model aligns with contemporary educational theories, emphasizing authentic learning and collaboration with the working field to redefine the educational experience. At the core of PXL’s educational philosophy is the PXL model, a framework that integrates authentic context, professional processes, and critical reflection, ensuring a seamless blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application. This model prioritizes continuous coordination and balance between learning environments and the professional field. Five clusters of activities, ranging from discipline-based development to practice-oriented research, provide a diverse and comprehensive learning experience. By implementing authentic learning, we are not just preparing students theoretically but committing to equip them with the skills and knowledge crucial for success in real-world complexities. The collaboration-focused model emphasizes bridging the gap between academic theory and practical application, empowering students to thrive in evolving professional landscapes. PXL invites educational researchers and practitioners to explore the potential benefits and challenges of learning with the working field. Through collaboration, shared insights, and a commitment to innovation, we aim to contribute to the broader conversation on educational practices that inspire a lifelong love for learning.

The mission of EAPRIL aligns seamlessly with the theme of 'The network works. Fostering authentic learning and community engagement.' Both entities share a dedication to enhancing learning experiences through practice-based research and community collaboration. EAPRIL's commitment to bridging practice, research, and policy resonates with PXL's emphasis on authenticity, innovation, and co-creation. As PXL invites educational researchers and practitioners to explore the potential benefits and challenges of learning in collaboration with the working field, EAPRIL's supportive community becomes a catalyst for shared insights, collaboration, and the advancement of innovative educational practices.


The registrations for EAPRIL 2024 are now open!




EAPRIL 2024 Conference programme

EAPRIL 2024 Book of Abstracts (PDF)

Chair guidelines (PDF)

EAPRIL 2024 - Schedule

  • 25-11-2024

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      School Visits

      Pre-registration required.

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      Social Activity: Walking & Tasting Tour of Hasselt

      Pre-registration required.

  • 26-11-2024

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      Opening Session & Keynote

      • Opening Session & Keynote:1 - Keynote: Building Bridges: Collaborative Approaches to Powerful learning environments in Vocational Education (Restaurant (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Nick Gee
        • Building Bridges: Collaborative Approaches to Powerful learning environments in Vocational Education (Keynote)

          Domain Vocational education


          • Ingeborg Placklé (Presenting Author)
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      Coffee Break

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      Session A

      • Session A:1 - Roundtable: Enhancing Resilience and Connection in Professional Development (Pacioli (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Kerstin Helker
        • Strengthening starting youth welfare professionals’ resilience through meaning in work (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Higher education


          • Sterre Hoenderop (Presenting Author)
        • Reciprocity, interactive learning and social connectedness in interdisciplinary learning communities (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Vocational education


          • Renée Oosterwijk (Presenting Author)
          • Elvira Coffetti (Co-Author)
          • Jelly Zuidersma (Co-Author)
      • Session A:2 - Case study: Innovations in Education and Workplace Learning (Erlich (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Tuğba Altan
        • Creating a learning culture by working in learning networks and solving problems together. (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Christy Tenback (Presenting Author)
          • Bernadette Evers (Co-Author)
        • Belgian Police Towards Innovation in Collaboration with Mainstream Education (Case study)

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Nele Libbrecht (Presenting Author)
          • Ann Massei (Co-Author)
          • Astrid Kaisin (Co-Author)
          • Tine Van Thielen (Presenting Author)
      • Session A:3 - Roundtable: Designing Effective Pathways: From Secondary to Higher Vocational Education (B012 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Marja Silén-Lipponen
        • Teachers as designers (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Elvira Folmer-Annevelink (Presenting Author)
          • roel grol (Presenting Author)
        • Improving the transition from intermediate to higher vocational education with high expectations. (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts

          Domain Higher education


          • martijn peters (Presenting Author)
          • Marijke van Vijfeijken (Presenting Author)
          • marije Spaargaren (Co-Author)
      • Session A:4 - Roundtable: Improving Feedback Literacy and Assessment Practices in Education (B011 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Marcelle Moor
        • Enhancing Feedback Literacy Through AI-Driven Educational Tools in a Lesson Study Context (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Sylvia Schouwenaars (Presenting Author)
      • Session A:5 - Case study: Co-Creation and Civic Engagement in Higher Education (Montessori (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Henk Averesch
        • Practice what you preach: co-creation (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Miranda de Hei (Presenting Author)
          • d kuijlenburg (Presenting Author)
          • Margriet Lerink-Mulderink (Presenting Author)
          • Elke Müller (Co-Author)
        • Integrating a Civic Research Project in a Social Sciences programme (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Leen Swinnen (Presenting Author)
          • Jo Pierson (Co-Author)
          • Karin Coninx (Co-Author)
          • Gwendoline Somers (Co-Author)
      • Session A:6 - Roundtable: Supporting Trajectories and Partnerships for Diverse Learning Needs in Education (EA 139 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        Chair Rianne van den Berghe
        • How can a process facilitator support trajectories for students with complex needs? (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts


          • Kathleen Bodvin (Presenting Author)
          • Debbie De Neve (Co-Author)
        • School-University Partnerships for Responsive Primary Science Education (Roundtable)

          Domain Primary education


          • Maiza de Albuquerque Trigo (Presenting Author)
          • Christina Siry (Co-Author)
          • Sara Wilmes (Co-Author)
          • Kerstin te Heesen (Co-Author)
      • Session A:7 - Case study: Sustainability in Education: From Theory to Practice Across Levels (B014 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Jacob Nouta
        • From paper to practice: lecturers implementing SDG's in the learing environment (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 10 - Education for Sustainability

          Domain Higher education


          • Bastienne Bernasco (Presenting Author)
        • Co-designing Professional Development for Primary Sustainability Education: A classroom pilot (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 10 - Education for Sustainability

          Domain Primary education


          • Doriana Sportelli (Presenting Author)
          • Sara Wilmes (Co-Author)
          • Patricia Muller (Co-Author)
      • Session A:8 - Roundtable: Teacher Beliefs and Practices for Self-Regulated Learning (EA 138 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        Chair Andrea Gergen
        • Exploring teacher beliefs and practices in a assessment culture transformation (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Higher education


          • Martijn Vlug (Presenting Author)
        • In the heat of the moment: how to learn to self-regulate learning while becoming a teacher? (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Higher education


          • Sandra Janssen (Presenting Author)
          • Nicole Goossens (Co-Author)
      • Session A:9 - Roundtable: Innovative Learning Environments in Vocational Education (Corbu (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Jo Tondeur
        • Improving practical learning in hybrid learning environments through the use of vocational didactics (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Vocational education


          • Ineke Dekker (Presenting Author)
          • Petra Poelmans (Presenting Author)
        • Participatory design research on the co-construction of cross-boundary learning environments (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Vocational education


          • Erica Bouw (Presenting Author)
          • Lisette Munneke (Co-Author)
          • Thieme Stap (Co-Author)
          • Esther Wijma (Co-Author)
      • Session A:10 - Roundtable: Innovative Practices for Educational Development (B013 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Kateryna Grabovets
        • Unpacking the problem of teacher shortages: Four perspectives (Roundtable)


          • Edith Roefs (Presenting Author)
          • Frytskje Simonis (Co-Author)
        • Teachers as brokers between innovation networks and school development (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Primary education


          • Henderijn Heldens (Presenting Author)
          • Anje Ros (Presenting Author)
      • Session A:11 - Case study: Curriculum Design for Language Sensitivity and STEM Education in Teacher Training (Piot (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Deborah Yapp
        • Designing curricula to educate language sensitive teachers (Ba) and teacher leaders (MEd). (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education


          • Mirjam Bruijne (Presenting Author)
        • Developing STEM learning materials in networked Teacher Design and Research Teams: case Nanoworld (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Secondary education


          • Katrien Vyvey (Presenting Author)
          • Renaat Frans (Presenting Author)
      • Session A:12 - Case study: Strengthening Personalised Learning and Professional Development through Collaboration (B031 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Saar Steverlinck
        • iXpact: Strengthening personalized learning with ICT as a collaborative knowledge community (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning


          • Wouter Rijke (Presenting Author)
          • Hilde Cuppen (Co-Author)
          • Manon van Zanten (Co-Author)
        • Teachers-Researchers Collaboration in Designing a Professional Learning Module (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Early childhood education


          • Sergei Glotov (Presenting Author)
          • Kerstin Te Heesen (Co-Author)
      • Session A:13 - Roundtable: Addressing Challenges in Mentoring and Educator Professionalisation (B032 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Astrid Ottenheym
        • Navigating Noise in Functional Group Mentoring Programs: Understanding Challenges and Solutions (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts


          • Zenobia Homan (Co-Author)
          • Tom De Schryver (Presenting Author)
        • Navigating Complexities Of Educator Professionalization: Implications on Program Design & Evaluation (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Lifelong learning


          • Tom De Schryver (Co-Author)
          • Elke Emmers (Presenting Author)
      • Session A:14 - Case study: Enhancing Student Engagement: Community Service Learning and Syllabus Redesign (Pierre Cox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Daniel Muijs
        • Addressing societal and educational needs through Community Service Learning internship projects (Case study)

          Domain Higher education


          • Christina Stabourlos (Presenting Author)
          • Jo Pierson (Co-Author)
          • Leen Swinnen (Co-Author)
        • Syllabus Redesign Post Chat-GPT: A Case Study in Enhancing Student Engagement and Authenticity (Case study)

          Domain Higher education


          • Randa Bou-Mehdi (Presenting Author)
      • Session A:15 - Workshop: We Upgrade Together – The Professional Identity Game (Blackbox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • We Upgrade Together – The Professional Identity Game (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Higher education


          • HZ University of Applied Sciences Kristie de Visser (Presenting Author)
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      Lunch Break

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      Session B

      • Session B:1 - Workshop: Game-Based Learning to Elicit and Improve Value Creation in Learning Communities (B012 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Game-Based Learning to Elicit and Improve Value Creation in Learning Communities (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 05 - HRD & Workplace learning

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Eelco Braad (Presenting Author)
          • Marieke Veltman (Presenting Author)
          • Peter Bos (Co-Author)
          • Danny Plass (Co-Author)
          • Sjoerd de Vries (Co-Author)
      • Session B:2 - Workshop: How short observations of small talkers can significantly improve their chances to speak at school (EA 139 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        • How short observations of small talkers can significantly improve their chances to speak at school (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Early childhood education


          • Sara Verbrugge (Presenting Author)
      • Session B:3 - Workshop: Play the inclusion game: integrating different types of education in The Netherlands. (EA 138 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        • Play the inclusion game: integrating different types of education in The Netherlands. (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts

          Domain Primary education


          • Christy Tenback (Presenting Author)
          • Anke de Boer (Co-Author)
      • Session B:4 - Workshop: Creating your learning pathway as a practice-based researcher in a landscape of possibilities (B011 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Creating your learning pathway as a practice-based researcher in a landscape of possibilities (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Higher education


          • Belinda Ommering (Presenting Author)
          • Liesbeth Boers (Co-Author)
      • Session B:5 - Workshop: Mind your role! Creating more role awareness for boundary crossers (Pacioli (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • Mind your role! Creating more role awareness for boundary crossers (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 05 - HRD & Workplace learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Aimee Hoeve (Presenting Author)
          • Marielle Taks (Presenting Author)
          • Lotte Bus (Co-Author)
          • Jeroen Bovens (Co-Author)
          • Nard van den Langenberg (Co-Author)
          • Loes Vos-Strijbos (Co-Author)
      • Session B:6 - Workshop: Working with UDL-design tool INclics (B031 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Working with UDL-design tool INclics (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Roelien Wierda (Presenting Author)
          • Ronald Barendsen (Co-Author)
      • Session B:7 - EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session: CLOUD 11: Future directions and endavors for cloud 11 (Piot (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • CLOUD 11: Future directions and endavors for cloud 11 (EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology


          • Niek van den Berg (Presenting Author)
          • Lisette Munneke (Presenting Author)
          • Marco Mazereeuw (Co-Author)
      • Session B:8 - Workshop: Video for deconstruction & reconstruction: building mental models through collaboration and dialogue (B032 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Video for deconstruction & reconstruction: building mental models through collaboration and dialogue (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Vesna Belogaska (Co-Author)
          • Haili Hughes (Presenting Author)
      • Session B:9 - EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session: CLOUD 10: Session 1 - Gaining perspective on and within Education for Sustainability (Pierre Cox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • CLOUD 10: Session 1 - Gaining perspective on and within Education for Sustainability (EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session)

          SIG CLOUD 10 - Education for Sustainability

          Domain Lifelong learning


          • Stella van der Wal-Maris (Presenting Author)
          • Benjamin Mallon (Co-Author)
      • Session B:10 - EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session: CLOUD 05: Emotions and Workplace Learning (Erlich (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • CLOUD 05: Emotions and Workplace Learning (EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session)

          SIG CLOUD 05 - HRD & Workplace learning

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen (Presenting Author)
          • Arnoud Evers (Presenting Author)
      • Session B:11 - Workshop: Mastering a formative assessment culture through team collaboration in participatory action research (B013 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Mastering a formative assessment culture through team collaboration in participatory action research (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Sui Lin Goei (Co-Author)
          • Jeanet van Dam (Co-Author)
          • Peter Toorneman (Co-Author)
          • Nikée Hogenboom (Co-Author)
          • Jantien Gerdes (Presenting Author)
      • Session B:12 - Present & Discuss: Exploring Diversity and Equity in Secondary Education (Montessori (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Astrid Ottenheym
        • RichArt - Multilingualism as Richness and Art in secondary education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts

          Domain Secondary education


          • Reinhilde Pulinx (Co-Author)
          • Liesbeth Martens (Presenting Author)
          • Liesbeth Spanjers (Co-Author)
          • Floor Klerkx (Co-Author)
          • Laure Uyttenhove (Co-Author)
        • Predicting Teacher Attrition at the Secondary School Level (Present & Discuss)

          Domain Secondary education


          • Neline de Jong (Presenting Author)
          • Stefan Robbers (Co-Author)
          • Emmy Vrieling-Teunter (Co-Author)
          • Marjan Vermeulen (Co-Author)
      • Session B:13 - Workshop: Timeline tool: supporting the collaboration between educators, parents and youth care professionals (Blackbox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • Timeline tool: supporting the collaboration between educators, parents and youth care professionals (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Higher education


          • Mirjam Heemskerk (Presenting Author)
          • Anne Steenbakkers (Co-Author)
          • Marion v.d. Sande (Co-Author)
      • Session B:14 - Present & Discuss: Collaborative Learning in Higher Education (B014 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Anniek Orye
        • Learning from big issues: a study on learning communities in various higher education contexts (Present & Discuss)

          Domain Higher education


          • Gert Jan Veerman (Co-Author)
          • Caroline Oosterwijk (Co-Author)
          • Greta de Wit - Rademaker (Presenting Author)
        • Micro-network teaching in reducing theory-practice gap in Norwegian teacher education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Minjeong Son (Presenting Author)
          • Tove Holmbukt (Presenting Author)
          • Begnt Haugseth (Co-Author)
        • How to support students during online group work? Co-creating the support with students and teachers (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Higher education


          • Sabrine Hassane (Presenting Author)
          • Karel Kreijns (Co-Author)
          • Jorrick Beckers (Co-Author)
          • slavi stoyanov (Co-Author)
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      Session C

      • Session C:1 - Poster Presentation: Innovative Strategies for Enhancing Learning in Primary Education (Piot (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Christina Misailidou
        • Learning the Multiplication Table Facts using Retrieval Practice (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Primary education


          • Leen Catrysse (Co-Author)
          • Gino Camp (Co-Author)
          • Fieke Ophuis-Cox (Presenting Author)
        • Testing Science Differentiation Practices in Primary School (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Primary education


          • sien coenen (Presenting Author)
        • Language and emotional skills in pre-primary classes: A language-integrated emotion intervention (Poster Presentation)

          Domain Primary education


          • Christin Tekaath (Presenting Author)
          • Irene Corvacho del Toro (Co-Author)
          • Miriam Hansen (Co-Author)
          • Arianne Andreas (Co-Author)
          • Mirjam Menz (Co-Author)
        • Applying the multimedia and signalling principle to computer-based math word problems. (Poster Presentation)

          Domain Primary education


          • Tamara Schleepen (Presenting Author)
      • Session C:2 - Poster Presentation: Resilience and Collaboration in Education: Strategies for Growth and Engagement (Blackbox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Ning Ding
        • Building adolescents’ resilience: Evaluating the impact of a 20-week inner-city program (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Primary education


          • yuhan hu (Presenting Author)
          • Ruth Van der Hallen (Co-Author)
          • Brian P. Godor (Co-Author)
          • Marloes Nederhand (Co-Author)
          • Guus Smeets (Co-Author)
        • Ecosystem awareness through teachers’ multiple-perspective-taking handling disruptive behavior (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Primary education


          • Astrid Ottenheym (Presenting Author)
          • Marion van Hattum (Co-Author)
          • Hanna Swaab (Co-Author)
          • Wouter Staal (Co-Author)
        • Cultivating Teacher Communities: Enhancing Science Education through Collaborative Practices (Poster Presentation)


          • Christina Siry (Co-Author)
          • Melanie Jorge (Presenting Author)
      • Session C:3 - Poster Presentation: Fostering Inclusivity and Sustainability in Education (Montessori (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Karen Reekmans
        • Teacher & healthcare professional on a path to more inclusive education (Poster Presentation)

          Domain Primary education


          • Lies Lockefeer (Presenting Author)
          • Britt Zaman (Co-Author)
        • An analysis of transformations accomplished through transformative learning within school practices. (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 10 - Education for Sustainability

          Domain Secondary education


          • TOMONORI ICHINOSE (Presenting Author)
        • Including the elderly through digital empowerment coming from connecting generations (Poster Presentation)

          Domain Lifelong learning


          • Ildiko Van Rillaer (Presenting Author)
        • Babel bear: A tool for supporting newcomers and young multilingual children (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts

          Domain Early childhood education


          • Rianne van den Berghe (Presenting Author)
          • Charikleia Sparou (Co-Author)
          • Elma Blom (Co-Author)
      • Session C:4 - Poster Presentation: Enhancing Self-Regulation and Collaboration in Higher Education (Corbu (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Daniel Muijs
        • STEM Drop-Outs: The Role of Executive Functions and Self-Regulated Learning in Higher Education (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Higher education


          • Bianca Claus (Presenting Author)
          • Celeste Meijs (Co-Author)
          • Peter Verkoeijen (Co-Author)
          • Renate de Groot (Co-Author)
        • Mapping and supporting self-regulatory skills of first-year professional bachelor students (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Higher education


          • Charlotte Malengier (Presenting Author)
          • Nathalie Schepens (Co-Author)
          • Sonia Labeau (Co-Author)
        • Do engineering students actively opt to engage in multidisciplinary collaboration? (Poster Presentation)

          Domain Higher education


          • Margot Ploumen (Presenting Author)
          • Elisabeth Roskam - Pelgrim (Co-Author)
        • Collaborative learning in peer mentoring in digital collaboration spaces. (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Edeltraud Botzum (Co-Author)
          • Florian Müller (Presenting Author)
          • Madeleine Dörr (Co-Author)
          • Andrea Gergen (Presenting Author)
      • Session C:5 - Poster Presentation: Integrating Skills and Well-Being in Higher and Secondary Education (Erlich (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Tom De Schryver
        • Integrating future skills in a co-creation process into education in Nepal - Preliminary Results (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Eila Burns (Presenting Author)
          • Usha Acharya (Co-Author)
          • Kalpana Gyawali (Co-Author)
        • PhD-project: prevention of and response to sexual violence in Flemish secondary schools (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Secondary education


          • Rienske Geens (Presenting Author)
          • Els Consuegra (Co-Author)
        • Unlocking Opportunities: Integrating NOS Education into the Flemish High School Science Curriculum (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Secondary education


          • Rianne Pinxten (Co-Author)
          • Peter Van Petegem (Co-Author)
          • Lotte Boven (Presenting Author)
        • A model for Blended STEM Didactics in Teacher Educator Programs (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Iris Stiers (Presenting Author)
          • Renaat Frans (Co-Author)
          • Lies Noppen (Co-Author)
          • Jo Tondeur (Co-Author)
          • Ilse Ooghe (Co-Author)
          • Katrien Vyvey (Co-Author)
      • Session C:6 - Poster Presentation: Fostering Understanding and Collaboration in Secondary and Vocational Education (Pierre Cox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Sibel Inci
        • Attitudes and knowledge of secondary school teachers on learning disabilities (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Secondary education


          • Lien Peters (Presenting Author)
          • Charlotte Paulyn (Co-Author)
          • Delphine Sasanguie (Co-Author)
        • Physics Lesson for Fostering Deep Understanding: Focusing on spontaneous diagrams use and belief (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Secondary education


          • Yuri UESAKA (Co-Author)
          • Kotaro TAKAHASHI (Presenting Author)
        • Towards a collective learning culture with teenagers in challenging educational contexts. (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Vocational education


          • tinne van camp (Co-Author)
          • Ilse Aerden (Co-Author)
          • Els Schoubs (Presenting Author)
        • Community & Competition: Battle or Boost? A scoping review in the context of honors education (Poster Presentation)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Vocational education


          • Leontien Kragten (Presenting Author)
          • Annegien Langeloo (Co-Author)
          • Marca Wolfensberger (Co-Author)
          • Cok Bakker (Co-Author)
    • -

      Coffee Break

    • -

      Session D

      • Session D:1 - Case study: Enhancing Student Performance through Technology (Erlich (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Aimee Hoeve
        • Impact of technology enhanced learning on student performance (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Karen Reekmans (Presenting Author)
        • EXPERIMENT2ESCAPE4EDUCATION: With a Rush of Adrenaline through the Educational Escape Room (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Secondary education


          • Alfred Steinbach (Presenting Author)
          • Berzelius Team (Co-Author)
      • Session D:2 - Case study: Exploring Authentic Learning in Mathematics and New Teaching Principles (B014 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Ronald Keijzer
        • «Mathematics is all around us»: Teaching Mathematics Inside and Outside the Classroom (Case study)

          Domain Primary education


          • Christina Misailidou (Presenting Author)
          • Vasiliki Kousouli (Co-Author)
        • Growing new Learning Principles of Teaching and Learning at Aeres UAS (Agro-food) (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 07 - Research impact on school development

          Domain Higher education


          • Liesbeth Meijer (Co-Author)
          • Kiran Tomas Brande (Presenting Author)
      • Session D:3 - Case study: Fostering 21st Century Learning: Art and Future Thinking in Education (Piot (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair roel grol
        • Art as the center of the educational process in interdisciplinary projects: A case study (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Primary education


          • Juliana Abra Olivato (Presenting Author)
      • Session D:4 - Workshop: How to foster authentic learning for both students and teachers in assessment practices (B031 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • How to foster authentic learning for both students and teachers in assessment practices (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Maarten Goossens (Presenting Author)
      • Session D:5 - Workshop: Sherlock in a Shoebox: searching for clues via inclusive participatory research (Pacioli (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • Sherlock in a Shoebox: searching for clues via inclusive participatory research (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts

          Domain Higher education


          • Sui Lin Goei (Presenting Author)
          • Jantien Gerdes (Presenting Author)
          • Tisja Korthals Altes (Co-Author)
          • Merel Satimin-Meijers (Presenting Author)
          • martijn willemse (Presenting Author)
      • Session D:6 - Workshop: Art Based Methods: the Educational Field as a Colourful System (B032 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Art Based Methods: the Educational Field as a Colourful System (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology


          • Bregje de Vries (Presenting Author)
          • Wouter Schenke (Presenting Author)
          • Amber Walraven (Co-Author)
          • Ditte Lockhorst (Presenting Author)
      • Session D:7 - Workshop: Facilitation of co-creation (EA 139 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        • Facilitation of co-creation (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Miranda de Hei (Presenting Author)
          • Dulci Altorf (Presenting Author)
          • Elke Müller (Co-Author)
          • d kuijlenburg (Presenting Author)
          • Margriet Lerink-Mulderink (Presenting Author)
          • Carlo Konings (Presenting Author)
      • Session D:8 - Workshop: Promoting Inclusive Learning: Embracing Cultural Responsiveness in Higher Education (EA 138 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        • Promoting Inclusive Learning: Embracing Cultural Responsiveness in Higher Education (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Anniek Orye (Presenting Author)
          • Andrea Basantes-Andrade (Co-Author)
          • Miguel Naranjo Toro (Co-Author)
          • Luz Marina Pereira Gonzalez (Co-Author)
          • Karina Mayra Pabón Ponce (Co-Author)
          • Andres Guillermo Benavides Piedra (Co-Author)
      • Session D:9 - Workshop: Stimulate your students’ agency with the Student Agency Toolkit for higher education (B013 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Stimulate your students’ agency with the Student Agency Toolkit for higher education (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Janine Haenen (Presenting Author)
          • Bob Gotte (Co-Author)
          • Sabine van Dijken (Co-Author)
      • Session D:10 - Workshop: Workshop on critical digital literacy for teacher educators (B011 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Workshop on critical digital literacy for teacher educators (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Rianne van den Berghe (Presenting Author)
          • Niels Kerssens (Co-Author)
          • Marco Geenen (Co-Author)
          • Monique Leygraaf (Co-Author)
          • André Nusselder (Co-Author)
      • Session D:11 - Workshop: The complex job of the facilitator. Developing tools for facilitators of learning networks (Blackbox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • The complex job of the facilitator. Developing tools for facilitators of learning networks (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 12 - Leadership in Education

          Domain Primary education


          • Loes van Wessum (Presenting Author)
          • Martine Broekhuizen (Co-Author)
      • Session D:12 - Workshop: The Competency Game. Competences of teachers en field supervisors in hybrid learning environments. (Corbu (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • The Competency Game. Competences of teachers en field supervisors in hybrid learning environments. (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Vocational education


          • Monique Hoogesteger (Presenting Author)
          • Petra Poelmans (Co-Author)
      • Session D:13 - Workshop: The European Syllabus for teacher education - Bring your perspectives on 5 cross-cutting themes (B012 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • The European Syllabus for teacher education - Bring your perspectives on 5 cross-cutting themes (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Megumi Iwata (Presenting Author)
          • Kati Mäkitalo (Presenting Author)
          • Juan-Miguel Diaz Castro (Co-Author)
          • Sari Harmoinen (Co-Author)
      • Session D:14 - EAPRIL Spotlight Session: Educational Leadership Network Europe (ELNE) and EAPRIL (Montessori (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • Educational Leadership Network Europe (ELNE) and EAPRIL (EAPRIL Spotlight Session)


          • Silvia Pesini Escartín (Presenting Author)
    • -

      Conference Reception

  • 27-11-2024

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    • -


      • Keynote:1 - Keynote: A Blended Collaborative Constructive Participation Model (Restaurant (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Zarina Charlesworth
        • A Blended Collaborative Constructive Participation Model (Keynote)


          • Maria Beatrice Ligorio (Presenting Author)
    • -

      Coffee Break

    • -

      Award Session

      • Award Session:1 - Best Practice-Based Research Award: Best Practice-Based Research Award Session (Pacioli (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Harry Stokhof
        • Te(A)chThink Project (Best Practice-Based Research Award)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Ottavia Trevisan (Presenting Author)
          • Filippo Marcato (Co-Author)
        • Building a support network within school-university partnerships with the Teacher Resilience Toolkit (Best Practice-Based Research Award)

          Domain Higher education


          • Gerbert Sipman (Presenting Author)
          • Miranda Timmermans (Co-Author)
        • Navigating educational change: a crystallized view on adaptive expertise (Best Practice-Based Research Award)


          • Ditte Lockhorst (Presenting Author)
          • Patricia Brouwer (Co-Author)
          • Monika Louws (Co-Author)
          • Leonie Middelbeek (Co-Author)
          • Wouter Schenke (Co-Author)
          • Annemie Struyf (Co-Author)
          • Bregje de Vries (Co-Author)
          • Amber Walraven (Co-Author)
    • -

      Lunch Break

    • -

      Session E

      • Session E:1 - Roundtable: Teacher Induction and Language Learning with Digital Tools (B031 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Kateryna Grabovets
        • Teachers boost: optimizing teacher induction programs (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Secondary education


          • Silke Hellebaut (Presenting Author)
        • Improving conversational skills in modern foreign language with digital technology (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Secondary education


          • Annemieke de Jong (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:2 - Roundtable: Primary Teacher Education (B012 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Miranda de Hei
        • The impact of the teacher's personal worldview on lesson preparation in primary education. (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Primary education


          • Henk Averesch (Presenting Author)
        • Wisdom of Practice revisited: role of Lee Shulman’s essays in today’s teacher training programs (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Primary education


          • Marcelle Moor (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:3 - Roundtable: Digital Literacy and Game-Based Learning in Language Education (B032 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Marieke Veltman
        • Using StoryMaps to integrate digital literacy in language-oriented natural science education (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Daphne Rijborz (Presenting Author)
          • Rianne Van den Berghe (Co-Author)
        • Using game-based learning to improve second language reading skills in higher education students (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Deborah Yapp (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:4 - Roundtable: Evaluating Collaborative Tools and Teaching Perspectives in Education (B013 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Anu Lehikko
        • Assessing the Efficacy of the Network Collaboration Monitor App (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 05 - HRD & Workplace learning

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Robert Ovbiagbonhia (Presenting Author)
          • Jelly Zuidersma (Co-Author)
          • Elvira Coffetti (Co-Author)
          • Renée Oosterwijk (Co-Author)
        • Religious education teachers and their perception of non-denominationalism in RE lessons (Roundtable)

          Domain Secondary education


          • Daniela Zahneisen (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:5 - Roundtable: Knowledge Creation and Engagement Strategies in Higher Education (EA 139 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        Chair Sabrina Schmöckel
        • Epistemic agency of HPE-teachers: how do they create knowledge in situations of not-knowing? (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Higher education


          • Jacob Nouta (Presenting Author)
          • Belinda Ommering (Presenting Author)
        • Exploring Public Engagement Methods in Higher Education (Roundtable)

          Domain Higher education


          • Emmy Vrieling (Co-Author)
          • Arnoud Evers (Co-Author)
          • Frank de Jong (Co-Author)
          • Corné Kocks (Co-Author)
          • Kiran Tomas Brande (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:6 - Roundtable: HRD & Worklplace Learning (Corbu (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Sterre Hoenderop
        • Keep on trucking: How a Learning Community can develop leaders in road-transport (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 05 - HRD & Workplace learning

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Wouter van Zwol (Presenting Author)
          • Ellen Rusman (Co-Author)
          • Jeroen de Jong (Co-Author)
          • Beatrice van der Heijden (Co-Author)
        • Breaking boundaries: piloting transdisciplinary labyrinths with learning communities (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 05 - HRD & Workplace learning

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Marielle Taks (Presenting Author)
          • Thieme Stap (Co-Author)
          • Nard van den Langenberg (Co-Author)
      • Session E:7 - Roundtable: Facilitating Transformative Learning and Support for Diverse Student Needs (EA 138 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        Chair Christy Tenback
        • Identifying the (elusive) group process with learning analytics: A dream or reality? (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Tjark Huizinga (Presenting Author)
          • Chantal Velthuis (Co-Author)
          • Tiuri De Jong (Co-Author)
          • Petra Fisser (Co-Author)
          • Kim Schildkamp (Co-Author)
          • Irene Visscher - Voerman (Co-Author)
        • Outdoor Learning in Higher Education: University Didactics for Transformative Learning (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Janne Fengler (Presenting Author)
          • Barbara Bous (Co-Author)
          • Jule Hildmann (Co-Author)
          • Wiebke Langer (Co-Author)
          • Gunnar Liedtke (Co-Author)
          • Martin Scholz (Co-Author)
          • Rameder Paul (Co-Author)
      • Session E:8 - Roundtable: Facilitating Transitions to Sustainable Careers in Vocational Education (B011 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Marja Silén-Lipponen
        • a smooth transition from school to sustainable work or further education (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Vocational education


          • V Schuurmans (Presenting Author)
          • Marco Mazereeuw (Co-Author)
        • Turning points of mentors when guiding in dynamic learning and working environments (Roundtable)

          SIG CLOUD 05 - HRD & Workplace learning

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Marco Mazereeuw (Co-Author)
          • Bianca Dusseljee (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:9 - EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session: CLOUD2:Supporting teachers in curriculum co-design w/ stakeholders towards more responsive curricula (Pierre Cox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • CLOUD2:Supporting teachers in curriculum co-design w/ stakeholders towards more responsive curricula (EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Higher education


          • Anje Ros (Co-Author)
          • Susan McKenney (Co-Author)
          • Maria Custers (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:10 - EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session: CLOUD 12: Enhancing continuous professional development of school leaders: co-creation of tools (Erlich (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • CLOUD 12: Enhancing continuous professional development of school leaders: co-creation of tools (EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session)

          SIG CLOUD 12 - Leadership in Education


          • Anje Ros (Presenting Author)
          • Loes van Wessum (Presenting Author)
          • Wouter Schenke (Presenting Author)
          • Michelle Brown (Co-Author)
      • Session E:11 - EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session: CLOUD 14: new strategic direction: Education the policy-makers perspective (Piot (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • CLOUD 14: new strategic direction: Education the policy-makers perspective (EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session)

          Domain Lifelong learning


          • Tom De Schryver (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:12 - EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session: CLOUD 10: Session 2 - Gaining perspective on and within Education for Sustainability (Pacioli (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • CLOUD 10: Session 2 - Gaining perspective on and within Education for Sustainability (EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session)

          SIG CLOUD 10 - Education for Sustainability

          Domain Lifelong learning


          • Benjamin Mallon (Co-Author)
          • Stella van der Wal-Maris (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:13 - EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session: CLOUD 08: Embracing Diversities?Neurodiversity & Internationalization of Higher Education Curriculum (Montessori (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • CLOUD 08: Embracing Diversities?Neurodiversity & Internationalization of Higher Education Curriculum (EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts

          Domain Higher education


          • Nick Gee (Presenting Author)
          • Sibel Inci (Presenting Author)
          • Anthony Thorpe (Co-Author)
          • Eylül Balâ Altunay (Co-Author)
      • Session E:14 - Symposium: The learning environment works: Linking the educational network to the material world (Blackbox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Jo Tondeur
        • Exploring the dynamics of student-centred learning in innovative learning environments (Single Paper)

          Domain Secondary education


          • Peter Bergström (Presenting Author)
          • Maria Lindfors (Co-Author)
          • Annika Wiklund-Engblom (Co-Author)
        • The DTALE model: Designing digital and physical spaces for integrated learning environments (Single Paper)

          Domain Secondary education


          • Jo Tondeur (Presenting Author)
          • Sarah Howard (Presenting Author)
          • Marijke Kral (Co-Author)
          • Lakshmi Ganesh (Co-Author)
        • School design and education: Teachers’ and students’ views on the designs of their new built schools (Single Paper)

          Domain Secondary education


          • Ellen Saur (Co-Author)
      • Session E:15 - Present & Discuss: Advancing Professional Development: Intercultural and Evidence-Informed Practices (B014 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Maiza de Albuquerque Trigo
        • Co-constructing a professional development program towards intercultural early childhood education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts

          Domain Early childhood education


          • Eva Dierickx (Presenting Author)
          • Kato Luyckx (Co-Author)
          • Hajjar Ben Sliman-Ghomari (Co-Author)
          • Nele De Witte (Co-Author)
        • The wallpaper roll method (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Vocational education


          • Jeroen Rozendaal (Presenting Author)
          • Niek van den Berg (Presenting Author)
        • Bridging Theory and Practice: Key elements of evidence-Informed Practices in compulsory education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Primary education


          • Emmelien Merchie (Presenting Author)
          • Dorien Jansen (Co-Author)
          • Pedro De Bruyckere (Co-Author)
          • Isabelle Janssens (Co-Author)
    • -

      Session F

      • Session F:1 - Present & Discuss: Collaborative Leadership and Succession in Education (B014 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Henk Averesch
        • Networked and collaborative leadership - making the network work (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 12 - Leadership in Education


          • Daniel Muijs (Presenting Author)
        • Intervening or not? Dilemmas of school leaders enhancing distributed leadership. (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 12 - Leadership in Education

          Domain Primary education


          • Marlon van de Put (Presenting Author)
          • Anje Ros (Co-Author)
          • Marjan Vermeulen (Co-Author)
        • A practice-oriented succession framework for school leaders (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 12 - Leadership in Education

          Domain Primary education


          • Loth Van Den Ouweland (Presenting Author)
          • Hannelore De Greve (Co-Author)
          • Katelijne Barbier (Co-Author)
      • Session F:2 - Present & Discuss: Collaborative Strategies for Improving Learning Environments (Pacioli (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Ann-Kathrin Steiner
        • Lesson Study to tackle behavioural issues: experiences from Dutch schools (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development


          • Monique Nelen (Presenting Author)
          • martijn willemse (Co-Author)
          • Sui Lin Goei (Co-Author)
        • Building cathedrals: turning towns into change labs (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Jantien Gerdes (Presenting Author)
          • Christian Van der Worp (Co-Author)
      • Session F:3 - Present & Discuss: Authentic Learning and Well-Being in Higher Education (Erlich (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Kati Mäkitalo
        • Challenge-Based Learning – the way to authentic and sustainable learning? (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being


          • Kerstin Helker (Presenting Author)
          • Isabelle Reymen (Co-Author)
          • Miguel Bruns (Co-Author)
        • Get moving for student well-being (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Higher education


          • Jolise 't Mannetje (Presenting Author)
          • Resi Olde Olthof (Co-Author)
          • Elian de Kleine (Co-Author)
        • “Now I am no longer as alone” – Fostering Networks to Promote Young Talents in HE Didactics (Present & Discuss)

          Domain Higher education


          • Hannah Sloane (Presenting Author)
      • Session F:4 - Present & Discuss: Fostering Professional Development through Collaborative Partnerships in Education (EA 138 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        Chair Barbara Roosken
        • Enhancing lifelong learning through Practice Driven Routes: a partnership-based approach (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 05 - HRD & Workplace learning

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Marieke Veltman (Presenting Author)
          • Simone de Roode (Presenting Author)
        • Monitoring the effectiveness of a school-university partnership to improve professional development (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Alexander Koch (Presenting Author)
          • Edna Milena SARMIENTO MARQUEZ (Co-Author)
        • Co-generating professional learning through teacher-researcher collaboration (Present & Discuss)

          Domain Primary education


          • Maiza de Albuquerque Trigo (Presenting Author)
          • Thierry Frentz (Presenting Author)
      • Session F:5 - Present & Discuss: Enhancing Learning and Skills Development in Higher Education (B013 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Haili Hughes
        • Helping students to explore which module to choose: Insights from a simulated exploration task (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Suzan van Brussel (Presenting Author)
          • Johan Smarius (Co-Author)
          • Esther van der Stappen (Co-Author)
          • Milou van Harsel (Co-Author)
        • Research and development project on simulation pedagogy (PEDASIMU) (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Higher education


          • Marja Silén-Lipponen (Presenting Author)
          • Marja Äijö (Presenting Author)
          • Mirja Saukkonen (Co-Author)
          • Suvi Aura (Co-Author)
        • Authentic pedagogy to enhance soft skills development in human services programs. (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • stephanie hovington (Presenting Author)
          • Denis Bédard (Co-Author)
          • Sarah Dufour (Co-Author)
      • Session F:6 - Present & Discuss: Monitoring Self-Regulated Learning and Soft Skills Development in Education (B012 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Nick Gee
        • A dutch website to monitor and increase the self-regulated learning of primary school pupils (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Primary education


          • Natalie Boelen (Presenting Author)
          • Jolien Quinten (Presenting Author)
        • Unlocking soft skills: Development and Validation of a Questionnaire for Measuring Soft Skills (Present & Discuss)

          Domain Lifelong learning


          • Ellen De Bruyne (Presenting Author)
          • Amber Hoefkens (Co-Author)
          • Peter David (Co-Author)
        • Can a scientist be 100% certain? How to elicit reflection about science in teacher education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Laura Van den Broeck (Co-Author)
          • Jelle De Schrijver (Presenting Author)
          • Lotte Boven (Co-Author)
          • Laura Vervacke (Co-Author)
      • Session F:7 - Present & Discuss: Advancing Early Literacy: Professional Development and Progress Monitoring (B032 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Christina Misailidou
        • How a hybrid professional development program on interactive book reading makes a difference (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Primary education


          • Iris Vansteelandt (Presenting Author)
          • Jona Hebbrecht (Co-Author)
          • Hilde Van Keer (Co-Author)
          • Silke Vanparys (Co-Author)
          • Eline Decraene (Co-Author)
          • Lore De Cock (Co-Author)
          • Fien De Smedt (Co-Author)
        • How phoneme awareness and letter knowledge training effects early literacy skills: a 3-years study (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Early childhood education


          • Lieve Van Severen (Presenting Author)
          • Evelien Gheeraert (Co-Author)
          • Marlies Algoet (Co-Author)
          • Eva Staels (Co-Author)
          • Willem Van Den Broeck (Co-Author)
        • Co-creating tools to monitor first graders’ progress in reading (Present & Discuss)

          Domain Primary education


          • Eve Francotte (Presenting Author)
          • Liesje Coertjens (Co-Author)
          • Stéphane Colognesi (Co-Author)
      • Session F:8 - Present & Discuss: Improving Self-Regulation and Inquiry Through Collaborative Practices (EA 139 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        Chair Lisette Munneke
        • Can cocreation and generative coaching improve self-regulation, self-efficacy and academic efficacy? (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Higher education


          • Els Laenens (Presenting Author)
          • Ellen Vandervieren (Co-Author)
        • Who Let the Voices Out? Multivoicedness in Students’ Descriptions of their Disciplines (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Sabrina Schmöckel (Presenting Author)
        • The value of the Question Compass as a conceptual tool for teachers to support question quality (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Lifelong learning


          • Harry Stokhof (Presenting Author)
          • Helma Oolbekkink-Marchand (Co-Author)
      • Session F:9 - Present & Discuss: Improving Teaching Quality and Learning Outcomes in Education (B031 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Michiel Veldhuis
        • Effectiveness of Finance & Accounting Education for Undergraduate International Business Students (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Kateryna Grabovets (Presenting Author)
        • A quality framework for learning and teaching materials in compulsory education in Flanders (Present & Discuss)


          • Kim Bellens (Presenting Author)
          • Mitte Schroeven (Co-Author)
          • Henk Byls (Co-Author)
          • Pieter Verachtert (Co-Author)
          • Paul Kirschner (Co-Author)
        • Teaching quality during distance learning - Lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being


          • Julian Brauchle (Presenting Author)
          • Valentin Unger (Co-Author)
          • Laura Schmidberger (Co-Author)
          • Jan Hochweber (Co-Author)
      • Session F:10 - EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session: CLOUD 01: Deepening the key concepts in teacher education (Pierre Cox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • CLOUD 01: Deepening the key concepts in teacher education (EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight Session)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education


          • Tom Adams (Presenting Author)
          • Bob Koster (Presenting Author)
      • Session F:11 - Workshop: Social media simulator “SOMEKONE” – an educational tool for understanding explainable AI (B011 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Social media simulator “SOMEKONE” – an educational tool for understanding explainable AI (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning


          • Kati Mäkitalo (Presenting Author)
          • Megumi Iwata (Presenting Author)
          • Sanna Merikanto-Tolonen (Co-Author)
          • Jussi Koivisto (Co-Author)
          • Jari Laru (Co-Author)
      • Session F:12 - Workshop: Narrative photo futuring as a method to support goals in school-to-work transitions (Corbu (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • Narrative photo futuring as a method to support goals in school-to-work transitions (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts

          Domain Vocational education


          • maritza gerritsen (Presenting Author)
    • -

      Coffee Break

    • -

      Session G

      • Session G:1 - Present & Discuss: Engagement and Inclusion in Higher Education (Pierre Cox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Harry Stokhof
        • Community Service Learning effectively contributes to interprofessional education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Sonia Labeau (Co-Author)
          • Leen Van Landschoot (Co-Author)
          • Hildegard Gobeyn (Co-Author)
          • Anne Hardy (Presenting Author)
        • Unlocking potential – stimulating HE participation of at-risk students (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts

          Domain Higher education


          • Reinhilde Pulinx (Co-Author)
          • Els Teijsen (Co-Author)
          • Zachary Ergish (Presenting Author)
          • Wim Wiertz (Co-Author)
        • Hannah Arendt's Model for Enhancing Public Engagement in Higher Education (Present & Discuss)

          Domain Higher education


          • Emmy Vrieling (Co-Author)
          • Arnoud Evers (Co-Author)
          • Frank de Jong (Co-Author)
          • Kiran Tomas Brande (Presenting Author)
          • Corné Kocks (Co-Author)
      • Session G:2 - Present & Discuss: Innovative Approaches in Teacher Education (B013 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Ronald Keijzer
        • Second career teachers and behaviour and classroom management in teacher training (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Monique Nelen (Presenting Author)
          • martijn willemse (Co-Author)
        • Learning in Motion: adopting gender-responsive, play-based pedagogies in teacher education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Elaine Murtagh (Co-Author)
          • Ahmad Aljanazrah (Presenting Author)
          • Ghadeer Hamed (Co-Author)
          • Aisling Walsh (Co-Author)
        • The use of research texts for improving practice in design-based research project (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Kati Mäkitalo (Presenting Author)
          • Megumi Iwata (Co-Author)
      • Session G:3 - Present & Discuss: Exploring Epistemologies and Attitudes in Arts and STEM Education (B011 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Primary teacher training for the Arts: teacher trainers’ personal and practical epistemologies (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Primary education


          • Marcelle Moor (Presenting Author)
          • Ana-Vanêssa Lucena (Co-Author)
          • François Joliat (Co-Author)
        • Spoilers, spanglers and spotters: attitudes towards engineering education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development


          • Alexander Koch (Presenting Author)
        • Integrating Challenge-Based Learning Through a Course Redesign: A Team Teaching Aspect (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Higher education


          • Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway (Co-Author)
          • Isabelle Reymen (Co-Author)
          • Miguel Bruns (Co-Author)
          • Kerstin Helker (Presenting Author)
      • Session G:4 - Present & Discuss: Self-Regulated Learning in Higher and Secondary Education (Montessori (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Zarina Charlesworth
        • How to develop Self-Regulated Learning in students: developing a tool for higher education teachers (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Higher education


          • Sabrina Govaerts (Presenting Author)
          • Elena Van den Broeck (Co-Author)
          • Astrid Koelman (Co-Author)
        • Creating a Space for Dialogue to Assist Students with MLD in Developing Self-Regulation (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Secondary education


          • Arwa Alharthi (Presenting Author)
        • Student Perspectives on Thesis Circles in Higher Education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Higher education


          • Emmy Vrieling-Teunter (Presenting Author)
          • Ya Ping Hsiao (Co-Author)
          • Inge Van Seggelen - Damen (Co-Author)
          • Kamakshi Rajagopal (Co-Author)
          • Steven Verjans (Co-Author)
      • Session G:5 - Present & Discuss: Empowering Change through Co-Creation and Writing in Secondary Education (B031 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Christy Tenback

          SIG CLOUD 07 - Research impact on school development

          Domain Secondary education


          • Pauliina Rantavuori (Presenting Author)
          • Annalisa Sannino (Co-Author)
          • Hannele Kerosuo (Co-Author)
          • Yrjö Engeström (Co-Author)
        • Writing didactics in balance. Integrating a form on focus approach into Flemish writing classes. (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Secondary education


          • Anne Decelle (Presenting Author)
          • Martien Geerts (Co-Author)
          • Nele Driesen (Co-Author)
          • Kristien Coussement (Co-Author)
          • Hilde Vanbrabant (Co-Author)
        • How to develop co-creation between researchers and teachers: A case study of strategy instruction (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Secondary education


          • Nao Uchida (Presenting Author)
          • Satomi Shiba (Co-Author)
          • Kaho Takiguchi (Co-Author)
      • Session G:6 - Present & Discuss: Technology-Enhanced Learning: Tools, Training, and Teacher Perspectives (Blackbox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair maritza gerritsen

        The presentation 'Open discussion on teachers’ opinions towards GPT-4o in Higher Education' by Ning Ding will not be presented in this session but will be added to the programme as a separate Cloud 6 spotlight session. More information on the time and location of this session will be available in the conference app at a later stage.

        • Comparative Judgements as Learning Activities: a three-tool trial (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Marie Hoffelinck (Presenting Author)
          • Pascal Detroz (Co-Author)
          • Dominique Verpoorten (Co-Author)
        • Combining group discussions with individual VR practice: An occupational safety training model (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Anu Lehikko (Presenting Author)
        • Open discussion on teachers’ opinions towards GPT-4o in Higher Education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Ning Ding (Presenting Author)
      • Session G:7 - Present & Discuss: Empowering Pre-Service Teachers: Feedback, Facilitation, and Digital Competence (Erlich (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Belinda Ommering
        • Feedback conditions in Virtual Reality environments for pre-service teacher training (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Marjoleine Dobbelaer (Co-Author)
          • Kyle van den Langenberg (Presenting Author)
          • Debby Weerlink (Co-Author)
          • Tamara Schilt-Mol (Co-Author)
          • Kelly Beekman (Co-Author)
          • Jorik Arts (Co-Author)
          • Andrea Oudkerk Pool (Co-Author)
          • Edwin Buijs (Co-Author)
        • Challenges and needs of Front Professional as facilitators for promoting epistemic agency (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Ellen de Kwant (Presenting Author)
          • Belinda Ommering (Co-Author)
          • Lisette Munneke (Co-Author)
        • Web 2.0 Tools in Teacher Education: Improving Digital Competence (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Tuğba Altan (Presenting Author)
          • Selcan Kilis (Co-Author)
      • Session G:8 - Present & Discuss: Professional Development in Higher & Early Childhood Education (EA 138 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        Chair Sterre Hoenderop
        • The professional identity of higher education teachers in the context of educational innovation (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Higher education


          • Kariene Mittendorff (Presenting Author)
          • Natalie de Beer Liebrechts (Co-Author)
          • Herma Jonker (Co-Author)
          • Henk Spaan (Co-Author)
        • What can we learn from successful language interventions in ECE? A common elements analysis (Present & Discuss)

          Domain Early childhood education


          • Helena Taelman (Presenting Author)
          • Sven Sierens (Co-Author)
          • Kathleen Bodvin (Co-Author)
          • Jantine Spilt (Co-Author)
          • Bénédicte Vanblaere (Co-Author)
          • Pieter Verachtert (Co-Author)
        • Unlocking Spatial Teaching: Pre-Service Teachers' Peer Micro-Teaching Lesson Study (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Early childhood education


          • Rohit Mishra (Presenting Author)
      • Session G:9 - Present & Discuss: Technology for Social-Emotional Learning and Collaboration in Education (EA 139 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        Chair Haili Hughes
        • The potential of technology to support social-emotional learning in special needs education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Secondary education


          • NR Bos (Co-Author)
          • Diana van Veen (Presenting Author)
        • Computational thinking in collaborative problem solving to program an AI-based robotic arm (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Primary education


          • Megumi Iwata (Presenting Author)
          • Kateryna Zabolotna (Co-Author)
          • Kati Mäkitalo (Co-Author)
          • Jari Laru (Co-Author)
        • A multilingual storybook reading robot for young children (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Early childhood education


          • Rianne van den Berghe (Presenting Author)
      • Session G:10 - Present & Discuss: Facilitating Dialogues on Climate Science and Democratic Values in Secondary Education (Piot (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Jacob Nouta
        • Dialogical Reflection on the Nature of Climate Science: The Teacher as Facilitator (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 10 - Education for Sustainability

          Domain Secondary education


          • Leen Bisschop (Presenting Author)
          • Laura Van den Broeck (Co-Author)
          • Christel BALCK (Co-Author)
          • Jelle De Schrijver (Co-Author)
        • Embracing Controversy in the classroom. Facilitating dialogue towards multiperspectivity (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Secondary education


          • Ama Amitai (Presenting Author)
          • Eef Cornelissen (Co-Author)
          • Laura Van den Broeck (Presenting Author)
        • Nurturing students' engagement, - towards democratic values and attitudes? (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Secondary education


          • Ama Amitai (Presenting Author)
          • Niels Van Hoof (Presenting Author)
      • Session G:11 - Meet-up: Meet-up session (Pacioli (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • Meet-up session (Meet-up)


          • Robson Felix (Presenting Author)
          • Lisette Munneke (Presenting Author)
          • Niek van den Berg (Co-Author)
      • Session G:12 - Workshop: Using art to develop your own work-related questions: a workshop that enhances creative learning (Corbu (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • Using art to develop your own work-related questions: a workshop that enhances creative learning (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 14 - The incubator cloud for organisational learning ideas

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Annebel Hofhuis (Presenting Author)
          • Suzanne Verdonschot (Co-Author)
      • Session G:13 - Workshop: Discovering the relation between innovative capacity of professionals, teams and organizations (B012 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Discovering the relation between innovative capacity of professionals, teams and organizations (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 12 - Leadership in Education

          Domain Higher education


          • Harry Rorije (Co-Author)
          • Remco Coppoolse (Presenting Author)
          • Idwer Doosje (Co-Author)
      • Session G:14 - Workshop: From Pixels to Pedagogy: Game-Based Learning with Graveler (B032 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • From Pixels to Pedagogy: Game-Based Learning with Graveler (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Ann-Kathrin Steiner (Presenting Author)
      • Session G:15 - Present & Discuss: Motivation and Critical Thinking in Secondary Education (B014 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Jeroen Rozendaal
        • Patterns of motivation: a study of secondary schools in the Zeeland and Northern Ireland (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Secondary education


          • Petra Poelmans (Presenting Author)
          • Daniel Muijs (Co-Author)
        • A Prelude for tailer-made education. Motivating school refusers for learning. (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Secondary education


          • Ineke Nelissen- Lisseveld (Co-Author)
          • Petra Poelmans (Presenting Author)
        • Can time run backwards? Philosophical dialogue to help history teachers elicit critical thinking. (Present & Discuss)

          Domain Secondary education


          • Laura Van den Broeck (Co-Author)
          • Jelle De Schrijver (Presenting Author)
          • Broos Delanote (Co-Author)
    • -

      Conference Dinner

      Pre-registration required.

  • 28-11-2024

    • -


    • -

      Session H

      • Session H:1 - Workshop: The thing that keeps me going. How to promote early career teachers’ resilience. (B012 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • The thing that keeps me going. How to promote early career teachers’ resilience. (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Secondary education


          • Barbara Roosken (Presenting Author)
      • Session H:2 - EAPRIL Spotlight Session: Put the spotlight back on QUALITY language: it's not rocket science! (Pierre Cox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • Put the spotlight back on QUALITY language: it's not rocket science! (EAPRIL Spotlight Session)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Primary education


          • Saar Steverlinck (Presenting Author)
          • Hanne Rosius (Presenting Author)
      • Session H:3 - Workshop: Navigating dilemmas in designing digital open badges for sustainability teachers (B031 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Navigating dilemmas in designing digital open badges for sustainability teachers (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 10 - Education for Sustainability

          Domain Lifelong learning


          • Lauren Verheijen (Presenting Author)
          • Elles Kazemier (Co-Author)
          • Corine Seelen (Co-Author)
          • Eveliina Asikainen (Co-Author)
      • Session H:4 - Workshop: Faculty narratives: Exploring meaningful moments within the research-teaching-profession nexus (B032 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Faculty narratives: Exploring meaningful moments within the research-teaching-profession nexus (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 07 - Research impact on school development

          Domain Higher education


          • Monica van Winkel (Presenting Author)
          • Marieke Veltman (Presenting Author)
          • Hanneke Tuithof (Co-Author)
          • Roeland M. Van der Rijst (Co-Author)
          • Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar (Co-Author)
          • Rob Poell (Co-Author)
          • Jan van Driel (Co-Author)
      • Session H:5 - Workshop: The teacher as a SLIM tour guide (B013 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • The teacher as a SLIM tour guide (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Laura Benvenuti (Co-Author)
          • Ulrike Stam (Presenting Author)
      • Session H:6 - EAPRIL Spotlight Session: Partners in School Development: A Casestudy & Real-Life Story of a Collaborative Research Team (VFO) (Montessori (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • Partners in School Development: A Casestudy & Real-Life Story of a Collaborative Research Team (VFO) (EAPRIL Spotlight Session)

          Domain Secondary education


          • Jetske Strijbos (Presenting Author)
          • Emma Van Malderen (Presenting Author)
          • Vicky Willegems (Co-Author)
          • Wouter De Vos (Presenting Author)
          • Evelien Caron (Presenting Author)
      • Session H:7 - Workshop: Tools for success: Enhancing students' self-regulation in learning (EA 139 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        • Tools for success: Enhancing students' self-regulation in learning (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Vocational education


          • Charly Boerboom (Presenting Author)
          • Silvia Hoogvorst (Presenting Author)
      • Session H:8 - EAPRIL Spotlight Session: Authentic education and cocreation: Best practices and in-depth insights from PXL University College (Piot (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • Authentic education and cocreation: Best practices and in-depth insights from PXL University College (EAPRIL Spotlight Session)

          Domain Higher education


          • Ruth Jamers (Presenting Author)
          • Tine Aelter (Presenting Author)
          • Laura Imre (Presenting Author)
      • Session H:9 - Present & Discuss: Assessment Practices in Education and Organisations (B011 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        Chair Belinda Ommering
        • Students' perceptions of assessment and its impact on regulating study behaviour (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Jeroen van der Linden (Presenting Author)
          • Tamara Schilt-Mol (Co-Author)
        • Realist evaluation of three art-based interventions to enhance creative learning in organizations (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 14 - The incubator cloud for organisational learning ideas

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Suzanne Verdonschot (Presenting Author)
          • Annebel Hofhuis (Co-Author)
          • Annemeijne Burggraaf (Co-Author)
          • Jolien Meijer (Co-Author)
        • Empowering stakeholders in assessment: Co-designing Entrustable Professional Activities (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Higher education


          • Vasiliki Andreou (Presenting Author)
          • Sanne Peters (Co-Author)
          • Jan Eggermont (Co-Author)
          • Birgitte Schoenmakers (Co-Author)
      • Session H:10 - Present & Discuss: Enhancing Mathematics Education (Corbu (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Suzan van Brussel
        • Developing a PCK observation list for mathematics (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Primary education


          • Madeleine Vliegenthart (Presenting Author)
          • Michiel Veldhuis (Co-Author)
          • Ronald Keijzer (Co-Author)
        • How to reduce math anxiety in a large undergraduate course (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Higher education


          • Philippe Carette (Co-Author)
          • Frederik Gially (Co-Author)
          • Fanny Buysschaert (Co-Author)
          • Evelien Opdecam (Presenting Author)
        • Preservice teachers’ awareness of developmental trajectories in mathematics teacher education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Sonja Stuber (Presenting Author)
          • Michiel Veldhuis (Co-Author)
      • Session H:11 - Workshop: EmpowerED. Empowering primary teachers in dealing with challenging behavior: interactional approach. (Pacioli (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • EmpowerED. Empowering primary teachers in dealing with challenging behavior: interactional approach. (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Primary education


          • Claudia Lento (Presenting Author)
          • Kristel Stinckens (Presenting Author)
      • Session H:12 - Workshop: Contribute to students’ perspectives in education and work! Mastering design principles (Blackbox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • Contribute to students’ perspectives in education and work! Mastering design principles (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments


          • Dineke Tigelaar (Co-Author)
          • Lysanne Post (Co-Author)
          • Rineke Keijzer (Presenting Author)
      • Session H:13 - Case study: Supporting Metacognition and Study Success for At-Risk Students (Erlich (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Maiza de Albuquerque Trigo
        • How to Promote and Recognize the Growth of Children’s Metacognition with Learning Difficulties (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Primary education


          • Natsuki Kanamori (Presenting Author)
          • Yuri Uesaka (Co-Author)
        • All students need network support; a study-enhancing home environment for study success. (Case study)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts

          Domain Vocational education


          • Judith van Driel (Presenting Author)
    • -

      Coffee Break & Members Meeting

    • -

      Session I

      • Session I:1 - Present & Discuss: Promoting Well-Being: Interventions Across Educational Contexts (Montessori (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Harry Stokhof
        • Interventions to promote students’ psychological, social, and emotional well-being (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Higher education


          • Jolise 't Mannetje (Presenting Author)
          • Rilana Prenger (Co-Author)
          • Wouter Vollenbroek (Co-Author)
          • hannie gijlers (Co-Author)
        • Perspectives for Students in Education and Work – A case study in vocational education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Vocational education


          • Lysanne Post (Presenting Author)
          • Rineke Keijzer (Co-Author)
          • Dineke Tigelaar (Co-Author)
        • School-based early intervention for psychosocial difficulties: What affects pupils’ admittance? (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Primary education


          • Marloes Jaspers-van der Maten (Presenting Author)
      • Session I:2 - Present & Discuss: Collaborative Strategies for Supporting At-Risk Students (Piot (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Marieke Veltman
        • Co-teaching for professional development: the eye of the tiger (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Jantien Gerdes (Presenting Author)
          • Sui Lin Goei (Co-Author)
          • Fleur Marcus (Co-Author)
          • Merel Schulte (Co-Author)
          • Simone Groot (Co-Author)
        • Research informed development of a learning analytics dashboard for student counsellors (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 07 - Research impact on school development

          Domain Higher education


          • Sabrina Govaerts (Presenting Author)
          • Gert Vanthournout (Presenting Author)
        • Insight in the development of career agency of young adults in vulnerable positions. (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 08 - Diversity & equality in different contexts

          Domain Lifelong learning


          • Marijn Neuman-Sjonger (Presenting Author)
          • Marco Mazereeuw (Co-Author)
          • Monique Volman (Co-Author)
      • Session I:3 - Present & Discuss: Mathematics Education: Cultivating Socialisation and Addressing Anxiety (Pierre Cox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Christina Stabourlos
        • Value-based mathematic education for socialization of students (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Primary education


          • Willemien Eikelboom (Co-Author)
          • Janneke Buikema-Visscher (Co-Author)
          • Ronald Keijzer (Co-Author)
          • Jeroen van Rumpt (Presenting Author)
        • Preparing students for society from a mathematical point of view (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Primary education


          • Ronald Keijzer (Presenting Author)
          • Michiel Veldhuis (Presenting Author)
        • Math anxiety in primary teacher education (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 01 - Teacher education

          Domain Higher education


          • Danny Pasaribu (Presenting Author)
          • Bas van der Weijden (Co-Author)
          • Michiel Veldhuis (Co-Author)
          • Mara Otten (Co-Author)
          • Ronald Keijzer (Co-Author)
      • Session I:4 - Present & Discuss: Note-Taking and Motivation in Digital Learning Environments (Erlich (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Emmy Vrieling-Teunter
        • Learning from how-to videos: The influence of note-taking, intellectual values, and smartphone usage (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Lifelong learning


          • Markus H. Hefter (Presenting Author)
        • The beneficial effects of taking and keeping notes when distance learning with a video lecture (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning

          Domain Higher education


          • Markus H. Hefter (Presenting Author)
          • Kirsten Berthold (Co-Author)
        • A teleonomic view on motivation and learning quality within digital learning environments (Present & Discuss)

          SIG CLOUD 06 - Learning in Digital Era: Technology Enhanced Learning


          • Alexander Koch (Presenting Author)
          • Sandrine Favre (Co-Author)
      • Session I:5 - Workshop: It’s not rocket science: teachers and parents towards a richer language environment for preschoolers (EA 139 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        • It’s not rocket science: teachers and parents towards a richer language environment for preschoolers (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Early childhood education


          • Saar Steverlinck (Presenting Author)
          • Hanne Rosius (Co-Author)
          • Annelies Stiers (Co-Author)
      • Session I:6 - Workshop: How can we apply research results on students' belonging and well-being in VET and higher education? (Pacioli (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • How can we apply research results on students' belonging and well-being in VET and higher education? (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 04 - Improving learning and well-being

          Domain Higher education


          • Annegien Langeloo (Co-Author)
          • Aafke van Mourik Broekman (Co-Author)
          • Elanor Kamans (Co-Author)
          • Nadira Saab (Co-Author)
          • Dineke Tigelaar (Co-Author)
          • Marca Wolfensberger (Co-Author)
          • Mariken van Hofwegen (Co-Author)
          • Suzan van Brussel (Co-Author)
          • Zwaan Zwart (Presenting Author)
      • Session I:7 - Workshop: Workshop: Evaluating Educational Design (B013 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Workshop: Evaluating Educational Design (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 03 - Strategies to improve teaching and learning environments

          Domain Higher education


          • Renée Schrauwen (Presenting Author)
      • Session I:8 - Workshop: Higher education teachers studying in a master using theory of change models as innovation pathways (B012 (PXL NeXT Building B))

        • Higher education teachers studying in a master using theory of change models as innovation pathways (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 02 - Educators' professional development

          Domain Higher education


          • Sui Lin Goei (Presenting Author)
          • Mariska Van Haeften (Co-Author)
          • Ivette Halkes (Co-Author)
          • Simone de Roode (Co-Author)
          • Lima Salim (Co-Author)
          • Mireille van de Willik (Co-Author)
      • Session I:9 - Workshop: Testing: an opportunity for enhancing the impact of learning (EA 138 (PXL NeXT Building A))

        • Testing: an opportunity for enhancing the impact of learning (Workshop)

          Domain Vocational education


          • Petra Poelmans (Co-Author)
          • Mark Meeuwisse (Presenting Author)
      • Session I:10 - Workshop: Cocreation in research-practice-partnerships: unruly, challenging and of added value (Corbu (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • Cocreation in research-practice-partnerships: unruly, challenging and of added value (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 11 - Practice-based Research Methodology

          Domain Workplace learning


          • Niek van den Berg (Presenting Author)
          • Jeroen Rozendaal (Presenting Author)
      • Session I:11 - Workshop: How to become changemakers? Tools for Social Entrepreneurship Education (Blackbox (PXL NeXT Building D))

        • How to become changemakers? Tools for Social Entrepreneurship Education (Workshop)

          SIG CLOUD 10 - Education for Sustainability

          Domain Primary education


          • Marijke van Voorthuijsen (Presenting Author)
          • Jans Koene (Co-Author)
          • Eva Kuijpers (Co-Author)
          • Stella van der Wal-Maris (Co-Author)
    • -

      Lunch Break

    • -

      Awarding Ceremony & Keynote

      • Awarding Ceremony & Keynote:1 - Keynote: Agency and engagement in assessment in a time of AI (Restaurant (PXL NeXT Building D))

        Chair Elke Emmers
        • Agency and engagement in assessment in a time of AI (Keynote)


          • Tansy Jessop (Presenting Author)

School visits

On Monday November 25th, we are giving you the opportunity to get a real taste of the local educational practice in Hasselt, Belgium. There are 4 different school visits available, which you can consult below.

When you register for the conference, you can purchase your ticket for the school visit of your choice, which costs €40 and includes a guided visit to the school, transportation from and to the school and lunch. All visits will take place from morning until noon and all at the same time, you can not attend 2 school visits. Tickets are limited so make sure to place your order on time once registrations open!

Visit 1: Innovative secondary education inspired by the Scandinavian education model

Visit 2: Secundary arts education (dual learning)

Visit 3: powerful primary education for children

Visit 4: Higher Education PXL

Social Event: Walking & Tasting Tour of Hasselt

Stad Hasselt dronebeeld campagne 2

Looking to connect with your colleagues outside the conference and explore Hasselt simultaneously? We got you covered! Join us for a two-hour tour led by a guide who will reveal Hasselt's hidden gems and make multiple stops for you to savor local delicacies.

Date: Monday November 25 @ 15:00 CET
€30 per person (Excl. VAT)

You can book this tour via the conference system.

Keynote speakers

Meet the EAPRIL 2024 keynote speakers!


Below you can find a selection of hotels in Hasselt that offer a discount to the EAPRIL delegates!


Holiday Inn

Book your room at discount price via this link.


Holiday Inn Express

Book your room at discount price via this link.

Hotel hasselt 7510 exterior 34062

B&B Hotel Hasselt

10% discount via code EAPRIL24. You can book your room via this link.

The discount code is valid for bookings between 25 and 29 november 2024 with a minimum of two nights.


YUP Hotel

10% discount via code 10YUP4YOU. You can book your room via this link.


Radisson Blu Hotel

Book your room at discount price via this link.

The discount code is valid for bookings between 24 and 29 november 2024.


Park Inn by Radisson

Book your room at discount price via this link.

The discount code is valid for bookings between 24 and 29 november 2024.

Getting there

To travel from Brussels Airport Zaventem to Hasselt, you have several options depending on whether you want to come by train, car, or taxi:

By Train:
There is a direct train from Brussels Airport to Hasselt every hour, or you can transfer in Leuven. The total travel time is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, depending on connections. You can check current schedules and connections using the NMBS app or website. After arriving at Hasselt train station, several De Lijn buses depart from the stop directly in front of the station multiple times per hour, heading to PXL Hogeschool. You can plan your route via the De Lijn routeplanner.

By Car:
If driving, take the E40 towards Leuven and then follow the E314 towards Hasselt/Genk. The total travel time is about 50 minutes to 1 hour, depending on traffic. Please note that parking space at the conference venue is limited, and we will soon provide information on alternative parking options.

By Taxi:
Taxis are available just outside the arrivals hall at Brussels Airport. The distance to Hasselt is around 70-80 km, and the fare typically ranges between €130 and €180, depending on traffic. It’s advisable to use official taxis, and you may want to ask for a fixed fare in advance. Ride-sharing services like Uber or Bolt may also be available, with similar pricing to regular taxis.


Submissions for EAPRIL 2024 are now closed!


Consult our general submission guidelines below.
For format-specific guidelines, click on the highlighted name of each format below.

General Submission Guidelines

Present And Discuss symbol 1

Present & Discuss

Present & discuss sessions allow delegates to present their research and findings in an in-depth manner. These presentations are individually submitted and have data and results to present. Three Present & Discuss proposals are clustered together, based on similarities in topic, methodology and/or objectives. Each presenter is offered 15 minutes presentation time followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion. At the end of all presentations, a 15-minute collective discussion is organised by the chair.

Present & Discuss sessions consist of 3 linked presentations that are scheduled together in a 90-minute session.

Symposium Symbol


Symposia provide an opportunity to present research on one topic, often from multiple perspectives, through a coherent set of papers. Symposia sessions are directed by a chair, involving three presenters and one discussant. Each presenter will be offered 15 minutes to present their research. Afterwards, the discussant has 15 minutes to present their reflections on the preceding presentations and to introduce one or two general statements to the delegates. This is followed by a general 30-minute discussion to discuss the theme of the symposium and the related statements in-depth.

Symposia are scheduled for 90 minutes.

Workshop Symbol


Workshops are a highly interactive, collaborative session format that shows the application of the outcomes of a research project. Learning-by-doing, hands-on experience and engaging in in-depth active learning are central characteristics of workshops. Creative and/or innovative approaches are encouraged, such as brainstorming, associating, panel discussion, role play, debating, voting on statements, think tank, flipping-the-classroom, systemic approaches, simulations, mystery guest and so on. Please consider any type of media to support interactivity.

Workshops are scheduled for 90 minutes.

Case Study Symbol

Case Study

In a case study session practitioners are invited to present a case from practice. A research component can be added to this session, but this is not a required condition. Instead, the floor is given to practitioners who wish to share their experiences when designing, implementing or evaluating a practice in class / school / college / university / workplace. In this format, there is more time for reflection and in-depth discussion about the case via a hands-on approach. Within one session two thematically linked case studies are clustered together. Each practitioner is offered 20 minutes to present their case followed by 25 minutes that are dedicated to an in-depth discussion with the audience.

A case study session consists of two linked case studies and is scheduled for 90 minutes.

Poster Symbol


A poster communicates the main ideas, objectives, results and conclusions of an ongoing research project or study. Posters provide a great starting point for discussion about your work with interested and knowledgeable researchers. Each presenter will be given 3-5 minutes to present his/her poster. Afterwards, the delegates have time to ask questions or start an in-depth discussion with the presenters. Finally, a general discussion (10-15 minutes) will take place in which the main ideas, conclusions and directions for future research and practice are discussed.

A number (circa 3-5) of posters are clustered thematically in a session of 90 minutes.



A roundtable session focuses on unfinished or starting projects. In other words, the research projects don't have to have actual results but can be starting or early research. This type of session will not be set-up as a formal presentation but rather as a talk between colleagues. No formal presentation by means of a slideshow presentation is expected. Instead, a 1 A4-handout is advised for the participants of your session that summarises the main ideas and questions central in the discussion. Each presenter will be offered 15 minutes to outline both the main ideas and objectives of the project, as well as the question, problem and/or challenge(s) that they want to present to the audience. This is followed by a 30-minutes discussion per research project.

Two submissions are scheduled together in a timeslot of 90 minutes.

Award logo


The EAPRIL Best Practice-Based Research Award wishes to acknowledge an outstanding and innovative project that deals with learning and development in the workplace and educational field. More specifically, practice-based research which has a profound impact on the development of both theory and practice is particularly of interest.

At the EAPRIL Conference the nominated projects get the chance to present their project during an exclusive plenary Award Session. The winner will be announced on the last day of the conference.

Logo meet ups

Meet up

A Meet up aims to provide an opportunity for delegates to explore and discuss collaboration in starting practice-based projects or research. This session requires no formal presentation but is intended to meet up with colleagues in a more informal context to explore and discuss potential partnerships or collaborations.

This year no formal submission is needed for this format, a separate call will be sent around via email. Should you want more information, you can contact us at info@eapril.org.

Review Proces

The review process is the most important aspect of organizing the EAPRIL conference and is invaluable in ensuring the quality of submissions and, consequently, in enhancing the overall experience for our conference participants. We ask of each reviewer to review 2 - 4 submissions.


When the submission deadline has passed the review process will start. This process consists of two rounds:

- In the first round all proposals will be reviewed by two reviewers.

-In the second round all proposals that received a discrepant result in the first round will be reviewed by a third reviewer.

Results will be announced once these two round have been concluded.

How do I sign up?

  1. Log in to your user account via this link.
  2. Navigate to the "My Reviews" Tab, where you'll find an overview of the active conferences.
  3. Select the EAPRIL 2024 conference and click on "I want to become a reviewer for this conference".
  4. Enter your research domains, interest groups, and keywords. This information will assist us in matching submissions that align closely with your areas of expertise.

Review Guidelines

Funding for presenters

The EAPRIL Board of Directors is committed to being an inclusive community and wants to provide the opportunity to researchers with little access to funds to also present and attend the EAPRIL conference. Therefore, we are starting with a new funding for presenters initiative. In this first year, we can offer a waived conference fee for two conference delegates.

You are eligible for the waived conference fee if you match the four following criteria:

  • You work in a low GDP country (based on the world bank)
  • You submitted a Present & Discuss presentation
  • You included your full paper as an attachment in your submission (blind for peer review)
  • You contacted EAPRIL office at info@eapril.org to request to be considered for funding

After the EAPRIL 24 review procedure is concluded, the two highest scoring Present & Discuss proposals will receive the waived conference fee for EAPRIL 2024.

About Hasselt

Hasselt Collage

Hasselt is the vibrant heart of Limburg, where the charm of a small town converges with the lively energy of a cultural hub. Hasselt, the pearl of the east, beckons you to explore its cobblestone streets, embraced by historic buildings and modern delights. Hasselt as “Capital of Good Taste”, where fashion and gastronomy are reason enough to make you want to visit the city. Embodying the art of seeing and being seen, Hasselt also stands as a bastion of quality care, pioneering research, and innovation.

Discover Hasselt's cultural richness as its cozy streets and lanes showcase over 80 works of art by international artists. For fashion enthusiasts, a tour of the Hasselt Fashion Museum awaits, featuring a stunning collection and exhibitions. Meanwhile, the newly relocated Z33 – House for Contemporary Art, Design & Architecture stands as an international innovator in its striking new premises. Dive into Hasselt's renowned shopping scene, where refined shops and boutiques house a treasure trove of artisanal delights and trendy finds.

You can immerse yourself in a myriad of winter activities and attractions. Explore the festive Christmas market 'Winterland' for unique gifts and Indulge in winter delicacies at the food and drink stands.

Prepare to be captivated by this enchanting city, for once you've experienced its charms, you'll yearn to return time and time again. Find out more about what the city has to offer via VisitHasselt.be.


Conference chair:

Wouter Hustinx (Research Director PXL)

Local Committee:

Tine Aelter (PXL Head of the Central Office of Education)

Vincent Vanrusselt (PXL Head of Center for Digital Learning)

Frédérique Meertens (Senior Eventmanager PXL-NeXT)

Hanne Luts (Lector & Researcher PXL)

Important Dates

  • 8 February

  • April 25

  • May 15

  • 17 June

  • 20 June

  • 17 September

  • 24 September

  • 26 - 28 November

Sponsors & Partners

A big thank you to our EAPRIL 2024 sponsors and partners!

Logo PXL University of applied sciences and arts

PXL University of Applied Sciences & Arts

PXL is a university of applied sciences and art located in Belgian Limburg, “the heart of the Euregion”. The university is divided into nine departments, with several campuses spread across the municipalities of Hasselt and Diepenbeek. It's a young, dynamic and vibrant organisation; a centre of expertise for innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.

Logo hd large white canvas kopie


Workseed is an LMS (Learning Management System) and was launched in 2016 to address the evolving needs of vocational education in the Nordic countries, providing tools to monitor workplace learning, track student progress, and improve internship management. Initially adopted by Finnish vocational institutes and later by universities and companies for corporate training, Workseed has grown through close collaboration with educators and industry partners. Its product development focuses on creating innovative, user-driven solutions, supported by services that help partners implement new pedagogical models.


Iris Connect

Streamline teacher development with the world's most advanced PD facilitation system from IRIS Connect. Their powerful and adaptive platform enables instructional coaching at scale, promotes a reflective and collaborative professional learning culture, and supports educators with everything they need to develop expert teaching skills - accessible at any time, from anywhere, at any stage of their career. Powered by Pathways, Video + AI. Trusted by over 100,000 educators in over 50 countries.