EAPRIL supports several Clouds, or thematic platforms for networking and discussion (hubs) among those practitioners who are interested and specialised in similar fields of research.

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Type of Clouds

The EAPRIL Clouds are able to take various forms and shapes and may alter from one year to the next. In line with a desire of inclusivity, there are two different type of clouds: Research or Networking.

Research Clouds are a way for like-minded colleagues and peers to explore specific domains and to connect, not only at conferences but also in-between conferences (e.g. for writing projects together, organising symposia, visiting each other’s institutions, working on a joint publication, preparing workshops or online webinars, etc.).

Networking Clouds are entities that allow for exchange, discussion and even confrontation of ideas between community members, primarily at the EAPRIL Annual Conferences. No involvement in research and or other annual activities is expected

Archived Clouds

The Clouds below were active in the past, but have evaporated. Should you wish to restart a cloud, don't hesitate to contact us via info@eapril.org to receive more information.