EAPRIL Cloud 8 webinar: 'Equality and Diversity: Challenging ideas, new methods, different fields'

An informative webinar called 'Equality and Diversity: Challenging ideas, new methods, different fields' was held by Cloud 8 ‘Diversity and equality in different contexts’ on Wednesday, April 24th, 2024. Taking place ahead of the annual conference and the deadline for conference proposals, the webinar aimed to promote discussions amongst the participants about future collaboration (including work on joint papers) and plans for the next annual conference in Hasselt in 2024.

Anthony Thorpe (University of Roehampton and joint coordinator of EAPRIL Cloud 8) and Sibel İnci (Kocaeli University and joint coordinator of EAPRIL Cloud 8) opened the webinar with a short presentation about Cloud 8 and chaired the sessions. The first speaker Danaë Huijser (University of Humanistic Studies, The Netherlands) spoke on the topic of ‘Promoting human dignity in culturally diverse teams’ showing the implications of the humanistic perspective for inclusion in organizations and businesses. The second speaker was Nele Bylois (PXL University of Applied Sciences, Belgium), whose presentation entitled ‘Focusing on diverse user needs and personas: inclusive tourism as business generator’ presented possible contributions to inclusiveness in the tourism sector. The last speaker, Katrien Hermans (University of Hasselt, Belgium), spoke on the topic of ‘Capturing equal educational opportunities: a photovoice exploration of secondary schools’, which traced successful examples with a different method.

The webinar ended with a short discussion, led by the webinar chairs Sibel İnci and Anthony Thorpe, amongst the participants about possible collaborations. The discussions will be promoted on the Cloud 8 LinkedIn group by sharing the presentations of the speakers.

We would like to thank all our presenters for their valuable work and presentations. In addition, our special thanks go to Lore and the EAPRIL Office for all their help in organizing and promoting the event, as it was free for all participants and used EAPRIL's registration system and online conference platform.

You are welcome to join the EAPRIL Cloud 8 LinkedIn group here https://www.linkedin.com/groups/7066674/.

You can also view the webinar videos of the presentations by clicking on the links below

Danaë Huijser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEY8dF41Bhg

Nele Bylios https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkZd1iW5bME

Katrien Hermans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFBwnwvsBPM

In September 2024, right before the EAPRIL Conference in Hasselt, we hope to see you at our next webinar.

By Sibel İnci & Anthony Thorpe

EAPRIL Cloud 8 ‘Diversity and Equality in Different Contexts’ coordinators