
EAPRIL offers a blog platform to everyone interested in practice-based research with regular publications by European Practitioner-researchers.

If you wish to contribute to the EAPRIL Blog, have an interesting suggestion for a topic or theme, or would like to suggest a colleague to contribute, please do let us know. All contributions are welcomed!

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EAPRIL Blog Guidelines

Interested to submit a blogpost yourself? Consult our guidelines to maximise your chances of getting published!

EAPRIL Blog Guidelines

EAPRIL2018 Best Poster Winner: ‘What is meant by socio-scientific argumentation?: A practical guide for science teachers’

And the Winner of the BR & PP Award 2018 is...Flipping Finland!

Knowledge utilization for sustainable and evidence-informed school development (EAPRIL BR&PP award nominee 2018)

Flipping Finland ( EAPRIL BR&PP award nominee 2018)

Preparing (pre-service) teachers for family-school partnerships: a challenge for teacher education

How collaboration can contribute to the professional development of teachers and educational leaders

Cloud 8 ‘Diversity at work’ seminar/webinar

A tool to support adult learners in blended learning environments

Hidden in plain sight: workforce diversity

Anthony Thorpe Cloud 8