Cloud 10 Update: On the road to Tartu! (1/4)

Cloud-10 In 2017, Cloud 10 was established in Hämeenlinna, Finland. It’s focus was (and is) on assessment and evaluation. From the 20 attendees, 14 participants registered for this cloud, coming from Europe, Israel, Brazil and Venezuela, expending the E in EAPRIL towards a W(orld)... Three subjects were discussed: the subject of the cloud, the method of operation and the participants. Of course, the subject is assessment, but the focus will be on classroomassessment of, for and as learning. In addition, within cloud 10 we can act as critical friends towards each other: stimulating partners by providing feedback and sharing literature and good practices. Our idea is to create a digital platform to sustain the above. Besides, we’ll meet face 2 face at the conferences. Perhaps, in time (some) members of the cloud could be involved in joint research for instance to illustrate the similarities and differences regarding assessment between different countries. Unfortunately, due to a change in coordinator, not much of these plans had been carried out in practise. In the following year, in the beautiful city of Portoroz, Cloud 10 got together again. We wanted to know what was going on in Europe when it comes to assessment. We therefore started to make an inventory about the topics of interest among the participants. It was a chance to learn what is taking place in Europe concerning assessment practises. The following mindmap was the result of this inventory. Afbeelding1 In our next blog we will go into the different ‘branches’ of this mindmap. Be prepared: your input will be required..... So, feel free to share your opinions and experiences concerning the different branches of the mindmap with us. Send your mail to Jeroen.vanderLinden@han.nlor to

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