Cloud 8 ‘Diversity at work’ seminar/webinar

Cloud 8’s ‘diversity at work’ event took place on 21stMay at JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Jyvaskyla, Finland and throughout Europe! We put into practice the Cloud’s concern for equality and diversity in different contexts by choosing a hybrid seminar/webinar format enabling people to meet to present and discuss a range of topics related to the theme. There were six presenters from Estonia and the United Kingdom as well as from different regions of Finland including practitioners from vocational education colleges, universities and non-government organizations. The presentations covered micro, meso and macro aspects of diversity at work such as the challenges faced by vocational education teachers supporting students from diverse backgrounds and those with special needs, issues related to immigrant populations accessing education, enabling access and bias in the nursing and teaching professions, and the links between disability, work and poverty. The Zoom online meeting platform, hosted by JAMK, allowed colleagues to make their presentations from wherever they were in Europe. As well as face to face Q&As for each presentation, participants used the chat function to pose questions and make observations. The presentations are posted on the Cloud 8 LinkedIn group where we will continue the conversation. The cloud coordinators thank everyone who presented and participated as well the EAPRIL office and executive for their invaluable support. How competent are you at applying your emotional intelligence with equality and diversity? Come to the Cloud 8 invited sessions at the annual conference in Slovenia to find out more. Eila Burns, Kaija Peuna-Korpiojaand Anthony Thorpe, Cloud 8 coordination team [gallery ids="2691,2692" type="square" columns="2"]

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