Mission Statement
This cloud is a platform open to any practice based research that shows, critically evaluates, or comprehensively endorses real practices of organisational learning.
Organisational learning covers processes of change in, individual and shared thought and action, which is affected by and embedded in the institutions of an organisation.
An organisation is defined as a decision-driven social order.
Cloud 14 Membership
Join Cloud 14 as a member and stay up to date on their activities! Cloud membership is free of charge and no general EAPRIL membership is required.
Cloud 14 Poster
Past Activities
Cloud 5 & 14 Online Fishbowl Event:
- Theme: "Leren en innoveren in fieldlabs: het aanpakken van wicked problems in samenwerking en co-creatie met onderwijs, onderzoek en praktijk"
- Date: 25 May 2021, 14:00 - 16:30 (CEST)
- Place: Online
- Rewatch the event here