Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen
Cloud 5 Coordinator
Jamk University of Applied Sciences
Cloud 5 Coordinator
Jamk University of Applied Sciences
This cloud involves studies and projects related to Human Resource Development, corporate learning and training, formal, informal and non-formal learning at the workplace, and organisational learning as such. A network of practitioner-researchers interested in this topic is aimed for. This could involve topics on the micro-level (e.g. specific training programmes, organisational learning projects and/or professional development of employees (conditions, processes, output and transfer)), meso-level (in the organisation, training programme, and/or institute or organisation as a whole), and/or macro-level (policy-related issues).
Join Cloud 5 as a member and stay up to date on their activities! Cloud membership is free of charge and no general EAPRIL membership is required.