
EAPRIL offers a blog platform to everyone interested in practice-based research with regular publications by European Practitioner-researchers.

If you wish to contribute to the EAPRIL Blog, have an interesting suggestion for a topic or theme, or would like to suggest a colleague to contribute, please do let us know. All contributions are welcomed!

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EAPRIL Blog Guidelines

Interested to submit a blogpost yourself? Consult our guidelines to maximise your chances of getting published!

EAPRIL Blog Guidelines

Meaningful learning through the eyes of practitioner researchers

Diversity in educational organizations and corporations: opportunities and dilemmas for improving learning (Cloud 8)

Action Research in Organisations

MusicMath presents: The Symphony of Learning

In Search of the Holy Grail

If you PLAY SMART, will YOU be MORE?

Cloud 8: ‘Diversity in educational organizations and corporations: opportunities and dilemmas for improving learning’ online conference on 27/09/2019.

CLOUD 10 Assessment & Evaluation: On the road to Tartu! (2/4)