Inspired by the Visions of Future Education and Learning

The EAPRIL conference 2017 is fast approaching where practice-oriented researchers and practitioners will meet again face to face. This year’s host HAMK University of Applied SciencesFinland will warmly welcome us to share, learn and co-construct topics related to learning, professional development and corporate learning HAMK’s new and renovated buildings have modernised its learning environments. Along with the conference theme, Inspired by the Visions of Future Education and Learning, HAMK reflects the changes and challenges facing education and learning in general now and in the coming years. As responsible researchers and practitioners in learning and professional development, many of the areas we will need to focus on are well described and summarized by the European Schoolnet, a 20 year old international network supporting transformation of education in Europe: (1) Facilitation of digital citizenship, (2) building partnerships between education and business or other stakeholders, (3) capacity building for innovative teacher education, (4) rethinking assessment, (5) supporting whole-school change : developing pedagogical leadership, learning spaces and environments, and public-private partnerships, (6) facilitating and renewing teaching practices, (7) lowering boundaries between formal, informal, non-formal learning, (8) continuously facilitating the leverage of digital technology to support teachers and learners, (9) continuing to pilot qualitative and exploratory research projects, and (10) supporting project-based innovations to better understand how innovative practices can be supported by technology. After reading EAPRIL’s conference program and presentation titles, it seems evident that all of these areas will be discussed. . Wishing you all a very warm welcome to Finland, the Land of Education and hoping you will join us in simultaneously celebrating Finland’s 100th Independence Day anniversary.

Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen Chair of EAPRIL

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