EAPRIL2021 Best Poster Award Winner: "Ubuntu, Manjaro & Raspbian OS in K-12. Designing open-source interfaces for digital citizenship"

by MA. Mathieu Payn; Prof. HEP Dr Lionel Alvarez; Prof. HEP Dre Kostanca Çuko & MA. Ania Tadlaoui-Brahmi

With this poster, we simply wanted to lay the foundation of an ambitious project that combines education science and informatics, to support a respectful digitalization of K-12 education. When a skill is developed by a student, everyone in the field agrees with the necessity of its transferability in other contexts, other situations, or with other tools. For IT skills, schools usualy implement one only digital environment (e.g., Mac OS, Windows...) and the ability of every student to accomplish the task in another digital environment it not targeted per se. Who can easily switch from Mac to Windows for instance? What are the obstacles for an environment-agnostic IT capacity? What should be the generic skills of a young citizen in a digitalized society?

With project Transferabil-IT, we want to assess how transferable are the IT skills, what mediations/supports are needed to facilitate such a transfer, or how is this transfer experienced by the student (User eXperience). So, with this poster for which we received the EAPRIL Best Poster Award 2021, we simply formulated the research project and a first draft of methodology. Thanks to this award, we are convinced of the need to carry out this project, document the transferability of IT skills and, ultimately, design the instructions that would facilitate digital mobility.

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