Cloud 9 - Sounds & Arts in Transversal Learning

Visit our Cloud website here. To follow during the conference, and discuss: According to the mission statement of Cloud 9, we will create and invite approaches for transversal learning as a deep, wide and holistic phenomenon. As a target of this new cloud, we invite people to share and further develop ideas and interests with us, and to develop the cloud performance towards the involved people’s interests and hopes on:
  1. Sensory experiences in learning
  2. Sound as a way to access, understand and co-create the world
  3. The art of learning: pedagogical innovations
  4. Research methods for the inquiry of aesthetic experience
  5. Integrated music and arts education in professional expertise
We consider arts as a human right. Please feel welcome to our sessions during the Eapril 2017 Conference, and if you like, please listen also to this conference theme song: -- The framework to start on Tuesday Nov 28 During our sessions we will experience, reflect and discuss together to create refreshing approaches and learn from each other, to create strong visions for the performance of this new cloud, together. We will offer the ground for this starting from the School visit in Laurea UAS (on Tue Nov 28), with arts experiences in workshops, connections with students, and ideas of the Learning by Developing pedagogy used in Laurea UAS. Please have a look at the School visit program here Wednesday Nov 29 The cloud connected happenings starting on Wednesday the 29th, include also the pedagogical tools presented at the demo market on Wednesday, with interesting tools like “Singing and ringing carpet and gloves” (prof.Jukka Louhivuori, Finland), “SoundOscope”, “Carnival of the Animals” –iPad app, “Creafon” (prof. Markus Cslovjecsek, Switzerland) & “Stairplay” (Prof. Hubert Gruber, Austria). During our sessions, we will share insights for The European Music Portfolio –symposium, the European collaboration & consortia philosophies, methods and applications (session A6 on Wed at 11.30-13.00 location: VI-C-206) chaired by Dr. Kaarina Marjanen (Finland) and the discussants, Dr. Carlos Lage (Spain) and Dr. Hubert Gruber (Austria). Old and new ways of learning, and participatory creativity as approaches in education and learning will be discussed about, with connections to the arts. The Cloud 9 Invited session on Wed at 14-15.30 (location Vi-S-313) will wish you welcome to discuss about Sounds and arts in transversal learning – what should and could it be, when to have them included, where to access those and why to do it. This will be led by the cloud coordinators Dr. Kaarina Marjanen (Finland) and Prof. Markus Cslovjecsek (Switzerland), and performed in the form of a learning café. On Wed the 29th Cloud 9 will still offer two more sessions, B5 at 16-17.30 (location Vi-D-218) as a workshop “Small is beautiful- arguments for a sound education” (by Markus Cslovjecsek) and at the same time, B11 (location Vi-C-2016), a roundtable session by the title of “Educational effectiveness and quality” with connections to two other clouds, number 7 (Research impacts on school development) & number 8 (Diversity and equality in different contexts). There will be three inputs for the roundtable discussion given by Sabine Chatelain (Switzerland), by the title of “Plan and realize transdisciplinary approaches to music learning through visual arts” and by Christina Koutouvela, & Vassilis A. Pantazis, (Greece), by the title of “Developing a curriculum towards a “pegagogy of solidarity”, and as the third one, “Ethics in the Albanian Education System” considered by Shpresa Delija (Albania) This great conference day will be ending with a conference reception at 18.45-20.15 at Amica Helmi restaurant in building D. As culture and networking based happenings these free and general events at the conference are strongly considered as important parts of the cloud aims and framework with maybe some theoretical explanations during the Cloud 9 sessions considered about. Thursday Nov 30 The second conference day will start with some nice artistic surprises already before the second keynote, to be continued in the form of Session E6 at 11.30-13.00 (location Vi-C-237), Cloud 9 second invited session: “Sounds & Arts to Confront the Challenges of Teaching and Teacher Training”. This session will be created starting from a new book “Integrated Music Education. Challenges of Teaching and Teacher Training” (Cslovjecsek & Zulauf, in print), with some articles to observe and discuss about. The chair Kaarina Marjanen (FI) and the discussants, Markus Cslovjecsek (CH), Hubert Gruber (AU) and Sabine Chatelain (CH) will do their best to inspire the whole audience to participate on the discussions, from the views of music as an incomparable cultural good, educational considerations, efficiency and research, and the ideas of “education in music”, “education through music” and a proper way if musical integration to overcome a better use of music in the education of children and youngsters. The best research & practice project will be awarded in Vi-C-Auditorium at 14-15.30. At 16-17.30 we will have the pleasure of participating another Cloud 9 Workshop, given by Helene Boucher & Toby Moisey (Canada), by the title of “A lived experience of a philosophy of music education Inspired by Canadian composer R.M. Shafer”. Some instruments may be used, as well, during this workshop – let’s see how, and what else? Thursday will end with the Conference Gala Dinner in Spa Hotel Aulanko at 19.30-02.00, with music and dance, and of course a delicious dinner. To experience the Finnish culture, we definitely hope you to participate this happening, enjoy, make friends and relax! Friday Dec 1 From the approaches of Cloud 9, the last day of the conference will start with a very interesting, third Keynote at 9-10, with a musical start in Vi-C-Auditorium, given by prof. Minna Huotilainen (FI) by the title of “Insights of brain research in education – music practice and embodiment to enhance learning”. This keynote will be chaired by Marcelo Giglio. To end the conference, we hope you will still have a chance to participate the Farewell lunch at 13.15-14.00 in Amica Helmi Restaurant, Building D.

Kaarina Marjanen

Markus Cslovjecsek

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