The European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) brings together those interested in the crossroads between research and practice but also between education and professional learning.

The mission of EAPRIL is to inspire and advance educational development and professional learning. We believe in the transformative power of practice-based research and collaboration to drive meaningful improvements in education. We achieve this by fostering a collaborative environment and facilitating impactful discussions among educational researchers and practitioners. EAPRIL stands as a dynamic and vibrant community bridging the worlds of research and practice.



Stay up-to-date on the latest EAPRIL news via our social media channels and mailing list!

The preliminary programme for EAPRIL 2024 is now available

Find out what the conference week will look like by consulting the general programme structure!

EAPRIL 2024 registrations are open!

You can now register at the earlybird fee for EAPRIL 2024! We look forward to welcome you at PXL, Hasselt in Belgium.

EAPRIL 2024 - Submission Deadline Extended

Submission deadline for EAPRIL 2024 has been extended to May 15th midnight CEST!

EAPRIL 2023 Conference Proceedings available!

Conference Proceedings from Belfast are now published! Check-out the interesting read.

EAPRIL 2023 keynote speeches available on our YouTube Channel!

You can now re-watch two insightfull keynote speeches from the EAPRIL 2023 conference in Belfast!

Conferences and Events


Cloud 8 webinar on 'Digital competences and inclusion'

Join the free online event with two insightful presentations, taking place Sept. 20 from 10:30 - 1 PM CEST.


Hasselt, Belgium


The EAPRIL 2024 conference will take place in Hasselt, Belgium at PXL university of applied sciences and arts, from November 26 - 28, 2024.


Read the latest publications on the EAPRIL blog!

If you wish to contribute to the EAPRIL Blog, have an interesting suggestion for a topic or theme, or would like to suggest a colleague to contribute, please do let us know at All contributions are welcomed!

EAPRIL Cloud 8 webinar: 'Equality and Diversity: Challenging ideas, new methods, different fields'

Written by Sibel İnci & Anthony Thorpe (Cloud 8 coordinators)

Classroom management learning at the workplace: how to support student teachers?

Written by Tom Adams (Cloud 1 Coordinator / Fontys University, The Netherlands)

The Moment to Say Thank You and Farewell

Written by Essi Ryymin

Best Poster Award Winner - EAPRIL 2023: "What competences do educational leaders need for leading educational innovation with technology?"

Written by Manon van Zanten, Dana Uerz, Mariola Gremmen (iXperium Centre of Expertise Learning with ICT, The Netherlands))

Join the EAPRIL community today!

Are you interested in our conferences and research activities? Do you wish to join one of the EAPRIL Clouds? Or do you want to meet with researchers from all over the world?

To stay informed on EAPRIL activities, become an EAPRIL member or sign up for our mailinglist.